Murder Love

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Hehe idk XD

Also since there's not really like an headcannon of what dark side Ian was, well beside Derp, but not here!, I have Ian being a Grimdark so yeah

Also this is going with the dark side, like their dark sides, if that makes any sense so yeah



"Calm down Ian" Sky said in a low tone as he have a tight grip on Ian's arm as he saw his skin slowly turning gray and his hand gaining a dark aura.

Letting out a low growl, Ian slowly took a deep breath before his shoulder became relaxed as the dark aura faded away.

The reason for him almost losing control is that someone was randomly flirting with HIS mate and his instincts were yelling at him to go and kill the person, but he didn't want to do that in front of his mate.

Quickly clenching his jaw, Ian started walking towards his mate, whom he saw slowly becoming uncomfortable with the flirting.

"Hey Crainer" Ian greeted as he wrapped his arm over the Danish's shoulder, smiling when he saw the relief on his face, though he glared at the person.

"Hey buddy, I was here first" the person growls at Ian, which was the wrong thing to say.

Ian lightly move Crainer to the side, away from the person as the older male was hatefully glaring at the stranger, his eyes slowly fading to a light gray color, which completely frighten the stranger enough to back away before leaving.

"I-Ian?" Crainer hesitantly called out as he grabbed onto the older's shirt, snapping Ian out of it and look back to the Danish, his eyes luckily turned back to normal. "Let's go home" Ian gently said as he led the confused Danish out of the club.



Once Ian had gotten Crainer to sleep, the older male silently walked out of the house and back to the club to find someone.

Once there, he saw that the his friends had already left the club for the night, which made him glad yet disappointed, hoping that someone would have joined him for the hunt, but he didn't let that bother him and waited outside.

He, luckily, didn't have to wait long. The door swung open, revealing the person that Ian was looking for and darkly smirks before following the person.

As Ian was getting close, his hand suddenly let out a dark glow before it faded away, revealing a knife in his grip. Also Ian slowly picked up some of the darker emotions coming from the person that made Ian growl and moved faster.

Once he got close enough, Ian swiftly reached out, grabbing the person by their hair and yanked his head back, revealing his neck which gave Ian the perfect opportunity and swiftly swung his knife into the soft skin of his neck, not giving the person anytime to let out a sound, though Ian covered the person's mouth, not wanting to risk him making a sound.

Even after the fatal strike, Ian was amused by the person's struggle for survival and watching the light slowly fade from their eyes.

Letting out a dark chuckle, Ian pulled the knife out of the corpse's neck and carelessly threw it down to the ground while letting the knife fade away. 'Another one bites the dust' Ian thought with a bit of dark humor before walking back to his home, not really up for a hunt for tonight.


Hehe, that afterthought of the dark humor XD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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