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Take what you will XD

I was feeling dark today so....

Warning: Language and Character death


Letting out a low groan, Crainer tiredly reached up and turned the alarm off and moved onto his back, blankly staring up at the ceiling for a minute before forcing himself to get out of bed and walking to the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower and taking care of business, Crainer stood in front of the sink, facing the mirror, his face still blank.

He stared at his reflection for a few seconds before harshly slapping himself and shook his head a bit before letting out a happy grin and walked out of the bathroom.

As Crainer was about to leave, his eye caught sight of a futuristic-looking headphones. His happy smile twitched a bit but didn't change as Crainer move towards it and picked it up, his eyes dimmed a bit in remembrance.

He remembers the first time he got the headphones, even though he wanted to forget but that was impossible. Even after the 50th time, Crainer found it harder to make himself smile, knowing that today would go horribly wrong and after the 150th times, Crainer was scared that he found himself becoming numb from emotions and had been trying to get himself to feel something.

Sighing, Crainer placed the headphones on and heared a small voice coming out of the bud.

"Loop number 268"

Crainer silently shakes his head before leaving his house, not bothering to lock it.


"Took you long enough" Ian laughs as he saw Crainer running up to him. "Sorry" Crainer exclaimed, playfully glares at the older man.

"Nice headphones" Ian complimented the Danish, making him lightly blush. "T-Thanks" Crainer thanked him before both men started walking.

As Ian was talking about the latest mods they he have tried and managed to exploit them, Crainer, instead, was warily looking around for any dangers while half listening to Ian. The Danish could remember each and every one of many different obstacle that was used to end a life. But no matter how hard he tried, Crainer couldn't find a way to save Ian's life and it hurts to see that every single time.

Feeling tears gathering up, Crainer quickly wipes them away, hoping that Ian didn't see them but to his dismay, he saw and stopped walking.

"Are you alright?" Ian asked in a worried tone, placing his hands on Crainer's shoulders. 'Don't look at me like that' Crainer thought, feeling more tears gathering, now trying to not look at Ian since it would hurt a lot more if he confess.

Feeling his shoulder trembling, Ian became more worried ad pulled Crainer into a hug, trying to calm him down.

'Stop it' Crainer mentally begged, shaking even more before finally breaking, sobbing in his chest. Ignoring the growing wet spot on his chest, Ian simply holds him closer and started stroking his hair, after removing the headphones.

The two didn't even care that they're outside and if anyone saw them.

After a few more minutes, the sobbing soon turned into sniffs and whimpers. "Feeling better?" Ian asked, feeling Crainer nod, making him smile before being daring and gently placed a kiss on Crainer's temple, making the Danish blush from the action.

'Wait....nothing happened?' Crainer thought, realizing that someone bad should happen but it didn't, making Crainer feel a bit hopeful for the first time. 'Maybe its over' he thought with a slowly growing smile before puling away, wiping his tears away. "S-Sorry bro" Crainer apologized, but Ian shook his head, "No need to apologize" Ian said with a smile.

Smiling more, Crainer then remembered the kiss, making him blush at the thought but decided to return the favor and leans up, placing a kiss on Ian's cheek, close to his lips.

"Thanks..." Crainer said, pulling away with a smile and started laughing at Ian's bright red face. The older playfully glares at the Danish before gently grabbing his hand.

There were a peaceful silence between them and Crainer felt like everything will be alright until he saw something moving behind Ian and felt his heart drop. He saw someone with a gun and pointing it at Ian.


Reacting, Crainer barely managed to push Ian out of harm's way, but then felt a piercing pain in his chest and when he looked down, he saw a slowly growing red stain on his chest.

"NO!" Ian cried out, seeing that the Danish got shot and quickly grabbed him as he was about to fall.

"No no no, you're going to be alright" Ian started mutters to himself as he held Crainer on his lap and started pressing his hands against the wound, trying to stop the flow of blood. Ian started shaking more as he saw Crainer slowly becoming pale and a small string of blood dripped down his mouth.

He then jumped a bit when he heard multiple voices around him and someone pulling him away from Crainer, causing him to cry out and fought against them trying to get back to the Danish. But it was futile as he was pushed away as the paramedic tried to keep him alive.

Ian was frozen in shock as he watched the love of his life slowly dying in front of him and tightens his grip on the headphones, that he barely got from one of the paramedics, and suddenly felt a button on the outside of the buds, accidentally pressing and saw everything spinning around and he felt sick to his stomach.

But as soon as it happened, it stopped, leaving Ian both shocked and dazed to find himself standing in his own bedroom, tightly gripping the futuristic-looking headphones and a soft audible voice was heard, coming from the buds.

'Loop number 1'


So what do you all think of the ending XD

So yeah, I think I remembered reading a book that's based on this so yeah

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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