Not Him!

137 7 15

This is connected to 'Into Despair' so yeah xD

Warning: Character Death




Hearing the dinging sound, Crainer looked up at the monitor with dread growing in his chest.

Soon the monitor revealed to be Erickuma with the same menacing grin.

"A body had been discovered! Everyone report to the gymnasium!" the enderman excitedly said before the monitor turned off.

'Not again' Crainer thought as he quickly ran out of his room and towards the gymnasium. On his way there, he saw the others heading towards the same destination and he could see the same grim expression on their face, knowing that they're all thinking the same things.

As he got close, he saw the door to the gymnasium were slightly opened and when he was about to enter, he was stopped by a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "I-I need to see" Crainer started saying as Simon pushed him back farther with a grim expression.

"No" Simon told him with a shake of his head, though Crainer was persistent and finally managed to push pass Simon and ran into the gymnasium. What he saw inside let him in complete shock and despair.

Laying in the middle of the gymnasium and surrounded by their own blood was Ian. Most of his blood came from the deep wounds on his chest and his neck along with some minor blood coming from his nose and a bruise on his cheek and right eye.

"N-No..." Crainer trailed off as he fell to his knees, still in shock and not taking his eyes off Ian.

"N-No!" Crainer soon cried out as he tried to move towards Ian, only to be stopped by arms wrapped around his shoulders and blocking his view. "NOT HIM!" Crainer started sobbing out as he buried his face into Simon's chest and tightly gripping onto the back of his shirt.

Not saying anything, Simon simply held Crainer close while running his fingers through the other's hair in a comforting manner.


Who you think killed him?

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

Crundee Oneshots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now