Under medication

268 8 7

Sooo yeah

Decided to add some fluff after the last oneshot so yeah



Under medication

"Come on Crainer, lets get you in bed" Ian calmly said as he opened the passenger door, revealing Crainer sitting there, whom was staring at his own hands in disbelief and small rolled up bandages in his mouth.

"I-Ian! I have fingers!" Crainer loudly exclaimed as he started waving his hands around, his voice sounding airy, making Ian chuckle a bit before reaching down, unbuckling his seat belt and placed one arm under Crainer's knees and another arm under Crainer's arms, gently picking him up and out of the car before closing the door with his foot and walked to the house.

Walking up to the door, Ian managed to unlock and open the front door and walked inside then closed the door with his foot and started walking to his bedroom. During the walk, Crainer was waving his right hand around while he was placing with Ian's ponytail with his other hand and blabber out random things, which Ian was listening to him blab with a smile.

Walking inside, Ian walked to the bed and gently placed Crainer down. After being placed down, Crainer started whining loudly while having a tight grip on Ian's jacket.

"S-Stay with me Ian!" Crainer whined as he tried to pull Ian down beside, or on top of him, but Ian easily held himself up. "No Crainer, you need some rest" Ian firmly told the younger, knowing that the anesthetic is still in effect. Crainer quickly shook his head and looked up at Ian with puppy eyes, "Stay!" he exclaimed, which Ian let out a sigh, knowing that the Danish won't let go until he stays before nodding.

"Okay Crainer, but until you fall asleep" Ian told him before gently removing the younger's hand and started removing his jacket and shoes before removing Crainer's shoes and getting on the bed.

Instantly Crainer snuggles up against the older, having a tight grip on his shirt. Ian chuckles at the action before wrapping his arms around Crainer's waist, holding him close and listening to his blabbering until Crainer fell asleep.


I remembered when I had to have my wisdom teeth out and they just gave me something to numb it, not to knock me out for that so yeah

Also thank you guys soooooo much for the 1k reads on this book XD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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