Deal with the Devil

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So yeah, if you watched or played Cuphead, I based this on that so yeah XD

Here's with Cuphead!Jordan/CaptainSparklez, Mugman!Crainer and Devil!SSundee with the addition of King Dice!Derpssundee XD I wanted to add him at least



Deal with the Devil

"Come on Crainer, just one more roll, I'm sure I'll win" Jordan told his brother in a confidence tone, which made Crainer more nervous.

Jordan was on a winning streak ever since the brothers had found the Casino, which Jordan had convinced Crainer to to go inside instead of leaving like younger brother wanted to. Soon enough, Jordan was playing Poker and was winning every game, which gain some attention from the other players, whom had walked to their table and was cheering Jordan on, encouraging him.

Crainer became more and more nervous every time Jordan won a game and from the corner of his eye, he saw someone watching the table with a calculated look in their eye and a slight smirk on their face. Then he turned his attention back to his brother.

"Another win!" Jordan happily exclaimed with a big grin as the other players were cheering and talking among each other.

Suddenly everyone got quiet as loud footsteps was heard walking towards the table. When they saw who it was, hushed whispers was quickly heard as the two brothers look at the man in shock and surprise, with a look of fear on Crainer's face.

It's the Casino boss himself, the devil.

"Well....well...well....seems like we have a lucky player" the devil said in a cool tone before placing his hands on the edge of the table, slowly smirking a bit. "How about we raise the stakes?" the devil offered in a sly smirk.

Then he held out his hand, revealing two dices, "If you win the next game, you win everything in my casino, but if you lose, I'll take your souls" the devil said, still smirking.

Jordan didn't even think about it, "Deal!" he said as he grabbed the dices and started to roll them. "Jordan no!" Crainer cried out, knowing the dangers of the deal but he was too late.

The dice flew from Jordan's hand and hit the table. Everyone but the devil was watching the dice with nervous expression. The dice was rolling few times before one dice stopped and the second dice slowly stopped rolling and to the brothers' horror, it was snake eyes.

The devil started laughing and slammed the tables. "Snake eyes" he hollered with joy, smirking evilly. "Now~ About those souls" the devil let out a low purr, still smirking.

"W-Wait!" Crainer frighteningly said, "T-There's must be something e-else we can do" he begged to the devil.

The devil turn to look the younger brother and slowly look up and down, observing him. Then the devil slowly smirks and straightens himself, "Well.....I do have some people with debt" the devil mused then turn to the older brother, "If you can collect all the debtors then I won't collect your soul" the devil offered, which Jordan instantly accepted it. "Deal!" Jordan said before letting out a yelp when he felt himself being picked up.

"Wait! What are you doing!?" Crainer panicky asked as he watched the same calculated man dragging Jordan towards the entrance and was about to run to stop him when he felt a grip wrapped around his arm, which he looked back to see that the devil himself, stopped him.

"He's just showing him the way out so he could get the debtors for me" the devil explained to him, "But he'll be doing that alone" he added, pulling Crainer close, making him yelp a bit. "You will stay with me until he gets all of them" the devil said with a low smirk, making Crainer scared for himself and his brother.

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