Lavender Town

132 11 14

I was listening to this song in a loop, since it sounds really calming to me, but idk about anyone else so yeah XD

Also I'm back XD I can't really stay away so yeah XD

Also idk if there's any warning here, but still warning



It been nearly two weeks since Ian had seen Crainer and he was honestly worried for his Danish friend and had been asking around, but to no avail.


Ian let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair as he was worriedly staring at the ground, trying to come up with something. 'Dang it Crainer, where are you....' Ian sadly thought before placing his head down on the table. He only rested his head for a few minutes when he heard his phone vibrate.

'Who could that be?' Ian though as he lifted his head and reached towards his phone and opened it. "Huh!?" Ian let out a gasp when he saw who the text message belonged to.

'Hey Ian, sorry for not talking to you and anyone else. I've received an IP from someone and decided to check it out and had lost track of the time, but I wanted you to see this and try out for yourself so the IP is there. I'll be waiting'

Ian blinks before re-reading the text message. 'A new IP? I don't think Crainer would do least without telling me or anyone else' he thought with a frown, feeling worried for Crainer before deciding to go to the unknown IP to find his Danish friend.


After Ian quickly packed up some stuff and typed in the IP on his teleporter, he immediately teleported into the familiar surroundings of pixelmon. As he was looking around, he slowly notice something.

The area was void of Pokémon and since it was turning nighttime, it was void of mobs as well.

".......This is unsettling" Ian mutters out before reaching into his bag and pulled out a torch for lighting before walking to the pinpoint on his map. 'I hope you're okay Crainer' Ian thought, feeling worried for him as he was slowly getting closer to his destination.


'It looked abandoned' Ian thought as he was standing at the main entrance of the small town, where the coordinates had led him. He didn't hear any chatter of both trainers and Pokemon which send him chills down his spine. Ian quickly pushed that feeling down and forced himself to walk in, "Crainer!" Ian called out, hearing his voice echo throughout the town.

'Where is he' he thought as he was looking through each small house and before he knew it, he had searched through every house. Then his eyes trailed up to a tall building at the end of the town and felt a cold shiver throughout his body.

'Something's not right about that building' he thought before frowning 'But he might be there' then Ian started walking towards the building, feeling the dread in his chest slowly grown bigger at every step.


Ian cringed a bit when the door let out a creaking sound as it slowly opened, revealing a broken down place.

"C-Crainer" Ian called out as he carefully stepped inside, looking around. Suddenly he heard a creaking sound which he quickly turn to the sound before jumping when the door suddenly slammed shut.

"Damn it" Ian cursed, turning to the closed door. He checked the door and found that it was locked and no matter how hard he pushed against the door, it didn't even budge. "I guess I need to find another exit" he mutters to himself before turning around and started to look around.

There was enough light for Ian to make sure that he doesn't run into anything.

(Ten minutes later)

'Where is he?' Ian thought worried as he climbed up the last set of stairs.

He had been looking through every floor and couldn't find the Danish anywhere so Ian was hopeful that he could find Crainer on the last floor.

Once on the floor, he looked around squinting his eyes a bit before his eyes caught sight of a shadowy figure at the corner.

"Crainer!" Ian called out as he move towards the figure, sighing in relief but before he could get close, he suddenly stopped, feeling the air around him quickly turn cold and something sinister was in the air.

The figure stirred a bit before slowly standing up and turned around, revealing to be exactly Crainer, but the Danish looked a bit different.

Crainer looked a bit pale and lifeless and his bangs were shadowing his eyes. Ian could also see a faint dark aura surrounding him.

"C-Crainer" Ian called out again which Crainer slowly raised his head, looking at the older, whom flinched back in slight fear when he saw black tears dripping down his cheeks and his emeralds eyes was surrounded by black instead of white.

Crainer slowly smiles like he was happy to see Ian, "Y-You made it Ian" the Danish softly said before walking to Ian.

Even though he could sense the danger, Ian couldn't bring himself to move and let Crainer come close and slightly flinched from the icy cold feeling when the Danish gently cupped Ian's face.

"W-What happened to you" Ian shakily asked as he started to feel the same coldness from Crainer's hands slowly spread throughout his own body causing him to shake more.

" don't need to worry about that or anything anymore" Crainer calmly said, lightly rubbing his thumb against Ian's cheek in a comforting gesture which Ian slowly leans against the other's palm, feeling himself relax despite the coldness. Then Crainer move closer, wrapping his arms around Ian's neck, nuzzling him.

"Stay here....with me" Crainer softly coos before placing kisses along Ian's jawline.

Groaning a bit, Ian noticed his whole body becoming as cold as Crainer's and his mind becoming blank, which he tried to fight against the feeling.

'W-Wait.....w-why should I fight this....' Ian found himself thinking that as he wrapped his own arms around the Danish's waist, 'I-It's safe here....and w-we both...could be happy' Ian thought as he slowly relaxed, feeling himself getting tired.

Soon enough, his eyes slowly bled into black, the same as Crainer. But what Ian didn't notice was a faded purple rope coming out from the back of his neck, the same as Crainer's, and it's connected to a dark purple-and-black ghost with a sinister grin.
Whoever enters Lavender Town, they will never leave

That's my headcannon for this oneshot XD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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