Help my dad

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It was a request-ish well I started writing this when someone wanted a story with Depressed!Ian and well this had the same concept might as well finish it so yeah

Sorry if it isn't what you want

This is the mixture of Minecraft and real life

Also warning for mention of self-harm



Help my dad

(Coltan POV)

'Dad still haven't come out' I thought to myself as I walked passed his bedroom.

Every since mom passed away two weeks ago, dad haven't been himself. He'd been locked away in his room and my uncle was the one that been taking care of both of us. I may be eight years old, but I'm mature enough to understand what was going on.

I walked downstairs to the living room and started watching TV, waiting for my uncle. As I was watching TV, I suddenly remembered mom telling me something a year ago.

"Make sure to find someone for your dad and for yourself"

I started thinking. I want dad to be happy again, because I know that mom would want him to move on. Before I have think more, I heard the door bell ring and instantly knew that uncle Derp is here, so I jumped off the couch and ran to the door, opening it. "Uncle Derp" I happily cheered and hugged him. He let out a softly laugh and picked me up. "Hey buddy" Derp greeted as he walked inside the house and towards the living room.

He placed me on the couch, "Where's your dad?" Derp asked me, so I pointed upstairs, "Still in his room" I answered, making Derp sigh and nodding. "Don't worry buddy, he'll come out" Derp tried to reassure me, but I knew that dad wouldn't come out soon.


(Third POV)

Coltan was sitting on the couch, watching his favorite show while his uncle was in the kitchen cooking lunch.

After Derp made lunch, he called Coltan in after setting the food down and then head upstairs to his brother's bedroom. "Ian......" Derp gently called out, softly knocking on the door, hoping for any response. "Please come out.....we're worried about you, your son is worried" Derp started saying in a concern tone.


"Ian....what would Maddie think of you closing yourself?" Derp asked him through the door and instantly heard movement inside. A few seconds later, Derp let out a sigh and started walking away.

As Derp was talking to Ian, Coltan was just around the corner, watching him. As he was watching, he suddenly had a thought, 'Maybe dad's friend can help' he thought and quickly left when he saw Derp walking away. Coltan sneaked into Ian's office and quietly closed the door and ran to the computer. He got the computer on and opened Discord and started calling Crainer.

(Crainer POV)

I slowly woke up to a ringing sound.

Groaning a bit, I let out a yawn as I slowly sat up from my bed to look for the ringing sound and saw that it was coming from my computer, so I got out of my bed and walked to my desk, sitting down.

"Huh? Its Ian" I said to myself as I started to answer the call, "I wonder if he's okay" I mutters then when I answered the call, I was expecting to see Ian, but I was surprised when I saw that it was Coltan, Ian's son.

"C-Crainer?" I heard him call out as he was looking around, which I suddenly noticed that I didn't have my webcam on and quickly turns it on. Then his face lit up a bit in relief, which confused and worry me even more.

Crundee Oneshots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now