New Town Girl

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Final chapter

Chapter 78


"I would've never guessed, you just wait until I get my hands on her!" Grace said.

"No we can't hurt her as much as we want to, you don't want to be going to the same place that bitch will be for sure going. I just don't understand how she could do this to me.. I mean I'm babysitting her own kid for crying out loud.. I feel like just adopting this little one because I know he'll have no other option but to be put up for adoption and into a foster family... I think if it comes to it I will adopt him." I said, as serious as can be.

"You want that deviled brat's son living with you after what she has done to you?" Grace said acting as if I was out of my mind.

"It was her who did it to me.. not her son.." I mentioned.

"That's true but are you sure you could handle seeing her son everyday after all the torment she's done to all of us and fighting she's caused between us?"

Grace made a good point but I wasn't going to let this little guy be put somewhere else or worse with her nut job of a mother. I had to report this to CAS ASAP. Plus her son and my son would get along so well, they already like each other and I could talk to Nathaniel about it.

"Just know what you're getting yourself into, which ever you decide I'll stick by you but I'm not sure they'll give the baby to you just like that, you know?" Grace said.

"Obviously I know Grace, it'll take time but it'll be worth it. Her son is such a cutie unlike that brat. I swear this is just her little dumb, immature revenge on me for dating Nathaniel when she told me she had a big crush on him back in school, like she even stood a chance."

"What a sick, twisted weirdo."

I reported everything to CAS and the cops and they should be here within the next 15 minutes. I had already thought everything through on how I'm going to explain it, show my proof and find a way to have custody of her baby.


"Hi, come on in." I told the cops who got here first.

"So mind explaining to me how you found out and all that has happened after we had last spoken to you?"

I explained everything and showed him the proof and he was headed off to arrest Lily. 20 minutes after he had left the CAS worker had shown up.

"Hey, come on in." I told her.

"Here's the police statement of everything that had happened from start to end." I said handing her the papers.

"Thank you, well I will be opening my case but I already had one with her before so there's not much to open up, she wont have a say we will go to her house and be taking the baby because she has no one stable to look after him."

"Well, I was wondering if I could adopt him, you guys could come here all the time until you feel I'm good enough and give me a shot, I've been babysitting him lately and he really gets along well with my son and I really think I could take on the challenge, it would be no challenge at all."

"Well I'll have to give a look into your files and have people check out your home first but I really think this could work. I mean he's seen you quite a lot so it could be good for him and less confusing."

"Sounds great."

"I'll call you tonight when everything is figured out and the appointments are made, we'll leave him with you for now and I'll have someone here tomorrow morning."

They left and minutes after Nathaniel got home.

"Hey, we found out who it was, you're not going to believe it though."

"Seriously? Did you call the cops? The cameras worked? That's great! Who is it?"

"It was Lily, yes the cops and CAS are already involved. I showed them the evidence and everything."

"That's good. Poor little guy though, I wonder where he's going to end up."

"Well that's the thing Nathaniel, I was thinking we could adopt him. The CAS worker is going to give us a chance after a couple inspections and visits."

"I'm not sure how I feel about this, but if that's what you want to do I'm behind you completely."

2 Months Later..

"I'm so glad we adopted him, he's such a good little guy. Asher and Bryson seem to be such good brothers and really like each others company." I said to Nathaniel.

"I couldn't agree more, and we have absolutely no drama or anything wrong happening, this is just great." Nathaniel said while hugging me.

"Well keep packing because we got a long trip a head of us since we're moving all the way to Vancouver, that will sure be our one last move." Nathaniel said.

Authors note: I will be doing a sequel for this as soon as I get more done in my new book called "Forever My Angel." It's going really good so far and I think you should all check it out and tell me how you like it. :) The sequel for this one will be jumping two years into the future and I will be starting it up within the next month. Hope you guys loved the ending to my book.:) Thank you everyone for reading it !

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