New Town Girl

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                              Chapter 40

''I'm so glad you're back.'' I said hugging Nathaniel.

''I'm glad to, but can I ask you something?'' He said.

''Uh, yeah sure , what is it?'' 

''You promise you wont get offended or anything? You can tell me you don't feel like answering if you don't want to.'' 

''Uh, ok.''

''Well, you never really told me much about you, where's your mother and everything? Are you an only child?'' He asked with curiousity in his eyes.

''Well, all my friends I haven't talked to in a while, so I really only have you and Grace now, and my unborn child. My mom left when I was a little girl because she went crazy, she tried coming back but my dad refused to let her near me, he didn't want anything to do with her, he loved his work and me, he didn't want to bring her back in once she left when I was two, he didn't want me confused or her walking out again and hurting me, she got so depressed she was put into a mental hospital, she passed a few years later, I didn't know her well but hearing about it tore my heart. I was 7 when I heard the news of her passing away, my father was so depressed from it but didn't let it affect his work. We moved around a lot because his work, I didn't really mind because I never really made friends knowing it would be soon before we were gone, although getting attached to that jerk face hurt to leave behind and all my friends, my dad told me we were done moving and then bam, but I'm glad I did, because look now, I have you two, my best friend and my boyfriend and unborn baby's father. '' 

''Check your facebook babe, you never know who's trying to talk to you, remember all your old friends you used to message when I would go over to your house after school?'' Nathaniel said , ''also, what about that Lily girl or whatever you sat with her in class, you haven't spoke to her for a bit.'' He added.

''Oh my goodness, you're right.'' I said.

I took out my laptop and took out my phone, I messaged Lily first.

''How's everyhting with your pregnancy?''

''It's great actually, sorry I haven't texted you lately, I've been busy setting up, I found a home, with him yes .. He decided to take responsibility of his baby, he still wants a test to make sure but I'm positive it's him, obviously so everything is going amazing.''

''I'm so glad to hear, I've been having a lot going on, but it's alright, my pregnancy is amazing and I'm going tomorrow to check out what the gender of my baby is.''  I sent the text then put my phone down, logging into my facebook I seen I had plenty of messages.

Chelsea; Hey girl, I haven't heard from you, I lost all my contacts on my phone too so I couldn't get a hold of you and you're never on facebook, message me soon.''

Responding; Hey, yeah haven't been on facebook lately, sorry. Send your number and I'll be sure to text. Oh, and tomorrow I'm finding out the gender of my baby, I'm so excited. I know I haven't updated you guys of being pregnant, a lot and I mean A LOT have been going on. '' 

She responded almost instantly but I wanted to go through some of my other messages first.

Jennifer; uh, well Troy disappeared and no one has heard from him. I wonder what's going on with him,  not even his best friends heard from him. I know it doesn't matter to you, but I just wanted to see if maybe you had a clue or something.

So much thoughts started crossing my mind. ''Nathaniel come read this , NOW.'' I said yelling.

He read it then looked at me responding, ''you don't think it's him do you?'' He asked.

''I do, I honestly think so, it would make sense. It all started happening after the break up, he knew My dad was important to me considering he's all I have, especially down here, and stalked me enough to know the rest of the people important to me.'' 

Responding to Jennifer; I don't care about him, who cares.'' 

I lied so I wouldn't have to explain the whole situation considering it's all so new, and they don't have the same news we have down here so she hasn't even found out about my fathers murder.

I had no messages from Troy, not even from a different account, knowing that's something he would do, and also no phone calls or anything, it has to be him because that could be because he can be tracked through those things.


Authors note; OK so they're off to a lead, it could be her ex boyfriend, it all makes sense and everything leads up to him, but how are they going to find him? You also found out Lily's baby daddy came back around and she's doing so much better and I brought some earlier characters back in. Now for next chapter, to discover the gender of the baby. :)

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