New Town Girl

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        Chapter 10

    Waking up in Nathaniel's arms was all I needed to just be happy this morning and not think of anything bad, considering how hard it would be to be upset being in his arms, I could just forget the world as if it was just me and him alone in this world and nothing could possibly ruin my happiness. I leaned over to my night stand to check my phone, checking it I had one missed call from an unknown number and 3 messages. 

Mike; hey, figured I would get quicker responses messaging you here instead of on facebook, you don't seem to go on as often haha, sorry if I'm a bother considering you're probably busy.

responding; No, don't you worry. No bother at all, I understand. I hardly really check my facebook, just not that interested in it lately and been quite busy. Moving has been pretty hectic. 

Other two messages had been from the unknown number, not even wanting to bother reading I deleted without even clicking on them to open them up and put my phone back on the night stand beside Nathaniel's. No one was awake and it was already 10 am, knowing we're definitely not going to school I completely forgot to tell my dad my friends would be coming over, he doesn't hastle me about school or anything knowing I am 18 in a few weeks and handle my own life and decisions, he knows I attend a lot and am really smart so he wasn't that worried about me or all in my business about it. I texted him quickly telling him how the guys stayed over too and sorry for forgetting to mention. I know he wont be home until late tonight but still. 

    Finally everyone started waking up, Nathaniel and Riley said they would make breakfast, haha. This should be interesting. Me and Grace stayed in my room watching some television, nothing better than bugs bunny in the morning with your bestfriend while your boyfriends cook you food. Me and Graced laughed with each other just imagining them cooking, haha. Wont be surprised if there's burnt toast involved and everything over cooked. We made a few jokes until we heard the stair way creeking meaning they were coming up the stairs with our breakfast and theirs. Nathaniel had brought me mine and his and Riley brought Grace hers and his own.

Finishing up the boys decided to head out for a bit giving us time to get ready for our date later on. 

     A few hours later..   I had gotten all dolled up, hair curled, clear coat lipgloss, dark blue skinnies I had bought from the store 'Guess' last night with Grace and my new black heels with my dark blue tank top and black cardigan over top. Grace was dressed in her black pencil skirt she had just gotten and a white laced shirt and her black heels. Her hair straightened perfectly and same lipgloss as me.  10 minutes after we had gotten all ready Nathaniel and Riley showed up in Nathaniel's car, stepping out was Nathaniel in nice dark jeans and a white V neck t shirt, with the most amazing cologne. Riley wore basically the same just instead he was wearing a black V neck t-shirt. Grace kissing Riley and me kissing Nathaniel, we climbed into Nathaniel's car and headed out.

'' Grace and I have decided we wanted to watch that new dancing movie with Chris Brown in it, sound good?'' I mentioned.

''Yeah of course babe, like I said you girls pick the movie.'' Nathaniel responded.

Walking into the movies I got another text from Mike, turning off my phone because we were entering I decided I would answer his message later. Still wondering what those messages had said, maybe I had made a mistake for deleting the messages but oh well, maybe I wont get another message again, just kind of wish I had read them before deleting the messages, what if the person told or at least gave hints of who they are.. I'll never know now but oh well, I am going into the movies now, I shouldn't be thinking of this, I should be trying to have fun. Gosh, I really know how to kick myself down when I'm trying to pick myself back up finally and just have fun. Anyways, enough with these stupid thoughts Aubrey, you're going to have a good time and just need to forget about those messages I told myself while talking in my head to myself. Before I could stop thinking about that unknown number texting me I started wondering what happened to that other random person texting me, I know it's not the same person because the person before didn't block their number.

''Babe you okay? You been spaced out for about 5 minutes now starring at absolutely nothing, we're just about to get our tickets now to go into the movie.''

''Yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of tired I guess, sorry babe.''

Guess he let it go for now considering he didn't want to start some huge conversation obviously before getting into the movie, but knowing him it definitely was not the end of it and when the movie is over he'll definitely be asking what's up again. This isn't the first time he's noticed me thinking hard and called me out for it, only so much excuses I can make before having to tell him the actually truth.

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