New Town Girl

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Chapter 2

It's my second day here going to St.Catherines High School, Thankfully I had picked out my outfit and took a shower last night so all I had to do was brush on some make up on and brush through my long blond hair. Remembering I was going out for breakfast with Nathaniel in the morning because he would driving me to school, I told my dad what had happened last night, letting him know my car was being repaired and the price and how I made new friends. He hadn't woken me up when he got home because he knew I was tired and had school to attend in the morning, he was okay with paying for it considering it wasn't my fault it broke down and I didn't even know what happened, but I explained how my friend drove me home from school and would be driving me back and forth to school for the next week until my car was fixed he was okay with it all. Probably because he never liked taking off work so having to drive me there and back everyday would probably be frustrating.

The door bell had rang so I yelled "I got it " running off to the door, I had picked up my bag while rushing to the door and then called out bye to my father, I was walking to Nathaniel's car, he walked infront of me opening the passanger door for me to get in and then closing it behind me, such a gentlemen I thought to myself, laughing out loud awkwardly. He just smiled and walked to his side opening his door and coming in. Starting up the car we took off down the street to some little resturant, I asked for pancakes and a coffee, he ordered sausages and eggs with toast and a coffee. When it finally came he paid without letting me even take out my wallet to pay for mine. I had thanked him and then began digging into my food. Guess I wont be early to prepare myself I thought to myself, not really caring considering I was so hungry. When we finished we headed back to the car, him opening the passanger door again for me to hop in, we took off to school which was only 5 minutes away and arrived at 9:05 a.m . I had 5 minutes to get all my stuff and head off to class, I quickly thanked him and we took off to get our stuff, his locker was right beside mine and we had the same class so we both walked together to class.

Getting to class we sat in the seats we sat in yesterday. Taking my seat Lily had waved hi to me and I smiled back at her. I got right into math work considering it wasn't so easy when the teacher handed out a few pages or math work plus assigned more work in the text book. Nathaniel and I worked together on it and before we knew it class was over so I met up with Lily to go to class. We sat in class together third period but in fourth I didn't have her or Nathaniel in my class. After gym I finished getting changed and met back up with Nathaniel infront of the cafe again sitting back with his group. I seen Lily walking alone so I called her over to come sit with us, she came over and sat with us and I introduced her. Everyone had said hi, she could not take her eyes off Nathaniel. Something tells me she has a crush on him, haha. We all had been talking about the party coming up in three days from now and I asked Lily if she was coming, she had nodded saying who would miss it , while still starring at Nathaniel. I giggled and turned back to my lunch eatting it. The bell had gone off and me and Lily took off after saying goodbye to everyone.

Walking down the hallway I then asked Lily , "hey , you have a crush on Nathaniel , don't you? " She turned smiling saying, "that obvious? well who doesn't, I mean look at him, he's so perfect. Not like I stand a chance, I mean look at me then look at him. Besides he's clearly into you." I turned surprised at her response, well not surprised about her liking him, but surprised and curious as to why she thinks he likes me. My curiousity had gotten the best of me so I decided to ask why she thought he likes me, she responded saying, "Isn't it obvious? The way he looks at you, he NEVER invites new kids to his table, and we never see him giving girls attention the way he gives you attention. He's usually with his boys after school but instead he's hanging out with you."

" that was only last night, today he'll probably be back to hanging out with his boys, he was just trying to be nice, but does he really not pay attention to any other girl? I mean, not like it matters or anything." I responded, trying to hide the fact I was about to blush. I knew I had a crush on him, just didn't want to believe it I mean like I can't, I am dating someone, someone awesome, just it feels different with this guy, I mean Troy is great, but sometimes he gives me second thoughts, and after what I heard about Nathaniel, I just feel like I could trust him so well and know he wouldn't hurt me and we have the same interests, Troy only does the things I like because he feels he has to, he never wants to. Maybe I do like Nathaniel..

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