New Town Girl

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                                                               Chapter 70

         "Here's your son Miss." The doctor said handing me my baby.

"Thank you." I said with a huge smile on my face.

You have no idea how excited I am for my baby to finally be out, the needle was a little harsh and all the contractions but it was all worth it to see my precious son's face finally. I bursted into tears, he was everything I imagined him to be.

"I think I want to name him Asher." I responded.

"That's a great name, I love it." Nathaniel responded.

A huge smile came across my face. I couldn't help but to be so happy because my baby is now here and he's so perfect. Nathaniel took him from me to hold him and his eyes started tearing up too.

"He's perfect." Nathaniel said with a huge smile across his face and tears in his eyes.

"I couldn't agree more." I said, "When can Grace and Riley come in?" I asked the doctor.

"Uhm, I'll bring in one at a time for you, hold on." The doctor responded.

   First came Grace and she held the baby for a while and then came in Riley. After Riley went out they said I had two other visitors.

"I didn't know anyone else showed up." I said.

"Yup, Grace's mom and your old friend Lily." Nathaniel said.

"Oh my goodness, I hadn't seen them both for a while now!" I said excited to get to see them.

"Hey" Lily said while walking into the room.

"Oh my goodness, how's your baby?" I asked looking at her belly noticing she definitely already had her baby.

"He's good, his name is Bryson." She responded.

"Oh my goodness, we've got to have a play date sometime." I responded.

"Yeah definitely." She said smiling while holding Asheer.

"We'll make plans soon, I'm going to go and let the next person come in but I'll text you tomorrow so you can have some time to sleep also, you must be exhausted but we'll definitely make plans soon." Lily said.

"Okay, bye." I said as she handed the baby to Grace's mom.

"Hey, how have you been?" I asked her.

"They've been good, Asher is so cute." she responded.

"Yes, he's 7 pounds and 2 oz. He's so perfect with a head full of hair." I smiled proudly.

 She had a sad look on her face, you could tell when she would smile it wasn't real. I wondered why but didn't want to cause any stress or anything on her, I'm sure if she wanted to tell me she would've. I just couldn't stand seeing her that way but I knew I shouldn't keep it on my mind or it would only stress me and then I wouldn't be able to get any sleep at all. Without a word she just smiled and gave back Asheer and headed for the door, she walked in a quick paste for the door as if she really didn't want to be here or something.

"Did you notice she was acting kind of strange?"  I asked Nathaniel.

"Yeah actually, I was just about to mention that to you." He responded.

"Well, maybe she's just still upset from what happened and what has been happening, or maybe Grace had told her about what happened today and it's just processing through her mind." I said.

"I guess." Nathaniel responded. 

"Well, I'm gonna get some sleep." I said to Nathaniel.

"Me too, I'll sleep right here beside you. Just wake me up if you need anything." Nathaniel responded.

Authors note: So what do you guys think? Why do you guys think Grace's mom was acting that way? Keep reading to find out ;) <3 I think I'm going to do a POV for Grace's mom next chapter to make up for the two short chapters I've just posted and for the late updates.

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