New Town Girl

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Chapter 1

My name is Aubrey. I'm new to this small town. Got to admit it's quite lonely but getting used to this feeling considering my father and I tend to move all the time so I'm used to always making new friends all the time, I try hard to not get close to people knowing it'll only be a few months until my father and I are off moving again.. no surprise. He always says, "we'll stay here this time bud, I swear." When I finally believed him bam, it was a lie. Of course I got close to this certain tan skinned, blue eyed, built guy who really caught my attention. We got closer and ended up dating, we didn't want to let go so we're still dating now.. I know weird , right? Thought so. But, I think this might just be able to work out. I'm hoping..

First day of school. I'm starting at St.Catherines High School. I'm just in the middle of my 12th grade. Arriving at school I pulled into the parking lot with the car my dad had bought me for my birthday. My Dodge Avenger. I parked next to some black truck, as I turned my head and seen some GORGEOUS guy coming out, brown short hair, blue gorgeous eyes, built and just the definition of perfect. Not noticing I'm starring I quickly snap out of it while he waves hi.. Oh my goodness I hope he didn't notice I was starring, this is so embarrassing. I really hope he didn't see my starring. I step out of my car and he calls out "New here?'' I'm just so glad he didin't ask what I was starring at because I swear I would be too embarrassed to even show my face ever again haha. I noticed I was taking long to myself, standing here thinking to myself , how embarrassing. I called out finally, "Yes I am, sorry." He quickly took out a paper and started writing something on it then handed it to me, I opened it up and it had his number on it, he told me to text him sometime. I looked up smiling at him and walked off.

Walking down the hall some girl came behind be saying, "hey , you must be new here" . I turned and nodded my head towards her, she told me her name, which was Lily. I responded saying my name and she asked which class I had, showing her my time schedule she responded saying, "Oh look, we have 3/4 of the same classes. Let's walk to them together and I can show you around." Our first class was Math, we instantly took off walking down the hallway, me following her around and then got to a class and took a seat next to her when I turned to see the guy who handed me the note waving over at me to come sit beside him. She turned to notice what I was looking at and then turned to me whispering , "you got his attention on your first day? you must be something special, go a head and sit with him, we can walk to next class together and sit in that class together anyway."

Walking over towards him I felt all these butterflies rushing through my stomach, so many questions going off in my mind , like why was he calling me to sit with him, and how come she said I must be something special, I mean he's just a guy, besides I got my own boyfriend, Troy. I took the seat next to him and quickly put my head right to my math book opening it up and starting on my work considering I'm new, I rather not be behind in work.

The teacher came in the classroom wearing high heels, she had glasses and dark red curly hair, not looking that old but old enough to be around my mothers age, she wore her long skirt with a blouse shirt she then turned to me then the class announcing, "I'd like you guys to meet the new girl Aurbrey Gordon, she is going to be in this class and is new to town so make her feel comfortable and welcome please." My first day and I already feel embarrassed, I was really hoping no one would notice me and that the teacher would just get started on work.. so much for that. I continued working hoping no one would bother me. The guy who wrote his number for me turned to me saying "hey, I'm Nathaniel, need help with anything? I know you're new here so how about you come sit with me and my friends at lunch?" responding, "sure, that would be great, and no thank you I'm actually pretty good when it comes to math, but lunch sounds very good." " Ok, meet me infront of the Cafeteria at the start of lunch then we'll go from there." I instantly nodded my head, and got back to working.

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