New Town Girl

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           Chapter 7 

   Waking up to the door bell me and Gracy woke up rushing downstairs to see them, we opened the door hugging our boyfriends and kissing them then welcoming them in. it was 1130am . I guess my make up was smudged or something because he turned asking me "cried last night or something baby?'' well coming in for a hug. I walked right into his arms and cried. Riley and Grace let us talk alone by going into the living room together. I walked up into my bedroom with Nathaniel, he gave me a kiss and then just listened to me without interupting at all, when I finally had the gut to speak I told him,

" well, I've been getting messages from my ex boyfriend and it's bothering me and well last night.. " 

testing him to see if he remembered I didn't go on, I just looked up into his eyes then he turned saying, "baby, I remember what we did, I remember what I told you and I meant it and mean it, it meant so much to me, but I'll wait for you that way we can make it romantic, although being with you makes everything we do perfect baby'' 

My heart just lit up, I'm so inlove, I couldn't believe this, he's so perfect. I looked up to him and met his eyes and said '' You're not gonna hurt me?'' he kissed me and stuck out his pinky, I smiled so hard and entwined my pinky with his, he's so perfect like oh my goodness. I just hugged him, I could not stop hugging him , he then broke the hug and said " what is Troy saying to you? " sounding a bit unhappy.  " he just wont stop messaging me trying to make up more lies to get me to take him back, it's done I'm so done with him, I cannot believe I wasted almost two years on some asshole, please don't hurt me, I don't think I'll be able to handle getting hurt again. I'm glad I have you." 

The door bell rang, 

Who on earth would be at my door at this time? I just moved here and wasn't expecting any visitors. Thinking to myself.

Answering the door, you'll never guess who it was..


 "What the fuck are you doing here?'' I asked. ''Because, you're mine'' He responded. "no, I'm not I'll never ever be again, youre an asshole and smell like fucking alcohol, go home and never come back here again!'' I told him angerly. He came walking in pushing me against the wall trying to kiss me, I slapped him screaming now ; ''DON'T TOUCH ME, STAY AWAY FROM ME, LEAVE ME ALONE''  Everyone came rushing to the door now to see what was happening to see Troy. Nathaniel turned saying '' WHO THE FUCK IS HE?'' getting all upset seeing him on me. I turned crying and Grace screamed Troy, Nathaniel went and grabbed him throwing him off me and punching him in the face. I ran upstairs crying my eyes out not even wanting to know what was happening, I just wanted to die at this point, why is he doing this to me, why the hell is he here I thought to myself getting angry and crying even harder. I heard footsteps coming upstairs and hide my face in my lap, Nathaniel came to comfort me saying ''he's gone now babe, I'm here to keep you safe don't worry. He wont ever touch you again.'' I cried into his chest saying "why did he come, why did he come, why wont he leave me alone, why why why'' I couldn't stop crying. 

"he's gone babe, he's gone, he's not coming back, he wont hurt you no more, please block him on facebook too babe. He doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you. He was drunk babe and maybe kept thinking about you and came down here , guess he didn't expect you to have anyone home considering your dad is a cop.''

'' I don't want him near me, I don't want to see him ever again babe, he hurt me,'' she pushed her head up showing she had marks on her neck and arms from him grabbing her and him pushing her against the wall and her lip was bleeding. 

" I'm not done with that fucking freak, don't you worry. I punched him in the face and if I ever see him again he's DEAD.'' 

He wiped my lip with paper towel and put up on my arms and neck. He was so caring, I'm so fortunate for him. I seriously probably would've just given up if I hadn't had him. 

We went downstairs to see Grace and Riley, I asked them what had happened when I ran upstairs and Grace said " Nathaniel punched him in the face then threw him out the door and told him not to come back and to leave now before the cops come so he took off, he was drunk ''

Remembering what Nathaniel had said about him being drunk and thinking about me so he decided to come I turned to him asking him what he meant by it.  

" well he was drunk, some guys when they're drunk they think of someone and then want to go see them if they're upset about something or just on their mind usually. " He responded.

" but I don't want to be on his mind, I just want him to leave me alone, I want him to forget about me because he doesn't deserve me , he's a fucking asshole. I never want to speak to him again''

Going over to my laptop to block him on facebook I noticed I had some messages from him, 5 to be exact.

Reading them with Nathaniel, Grace and Riley they read;

message 1; you know you love me and want me backkkd 

message 2; i'm drunnk im gonnaa come get u uour mine

message 3; wakey wakey

message 4; youre stupid, thats your new boyfriend eh? yah u cant just move on so quickk, I know you're not done with me 

message 5; i'll be waiting for you , this isn't over. u love me

message 6; sorry i was drunk, i need you Aub, you can't say you don't love me anymore and just moved on that quick.

i ignored the messages and blocked him on facebook crying my eyes out, why did I fall for him I was so stupid.. I mean yes, he seemed perfect and was so attractive but I should've listened to everyone else. 

I cuddled up into Nathaniel's arms and just cried, I couldn't stop. All I knew was it felt great to be in his arms.  He had the sweetest touch and always knew how to make me feel better with all the right moves and words. Nathaniel and Grace went to talk privately then told us to go out for a bit because they had a surprise for us, so Nathaniel took me out to the beach to get my mind off things, walking with him around the beach he carried me off into the water and dropped me in, me shreking the cold water he hugged me tight wrapping his built arms around me. Walking around he got a text and held my hand with the towel wrapped around me bringing me back to his car, he looked at me and said "this is gonna be the perfect night baby, you'll see.'' After such a rough day, you're about to be happy.<3 

Not understanding I took his word for it  taking off down the street we stopped at the icecream store, he knows how I love my icecream, we got our icecream and headed back off down the street, it started getting dark and so we came home and walked upstairs , no sign of Grace or Riley anywhere, I asked Nathaniel where they had gone and he told me to just follow him, heading up the stairs to peddles all over my bed, pink peddles to be exact, two beautiful candles lit, the scented one so it smelt beautiful in my room, the lights dimmed and my perfect boyfriend by my side, he picked me up kissing me and placing me on the bed continuing to kiss me. He looked me in the eyes and asked " Is this good enough for you babe?" I kissed him & whispered in his ear, "I think I'm ready for you babe.'' 

He began kissing my neck and taking my clothing off as I took off all his, this was the most perfect moment ever of my life, never had such a terrible day turn into the best day of my life. Everything got more intense until he was moving his fingers in a slow circular motion around my clit, then thrusting into me repeatedly, I layed back, everything was so loud, thank goodness my father isn't coming home until tomorrow because he has night shift. 

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