New Town Girl

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           Chapter 21

        It was my father.. with his Fiance. Boy, how I regret coming here. I guess she was here getting her altrasound or making an appointment for one.

"Hey Aubrey, what are you doing here? Having your altrasound already?'' My dad had called out.  

"No, I'm here with Lily, she had hers. I assume that's your fiance, or should I call her my step mom." I said brushing past him and out the door.

  I was still mad at him so obviously I'm not going to be nice to him, nor her. I mean having a step mom but to top it off a new baby step something. I say something because they still haven't found out the gender of it. It would of been nice if maybe I met her before and didn't just think she was some ''friend'' like my dad had called her. I felt like turning back to ask why he hadn't even messaged or called me but then again, I would probably be right and get the answer like "I was busy at work'' when really he was  just busy with that stupid slut. I don't know if she is one, but getting pregnant with my father so soon and also never wanting to meet me, I'll call her it anyway. What did my dad car anyway whether I was here for my altrasound or not. I mean he couldn't even follow me out to TRY and at least attempt to get me to talk to him .. Wow, he's changed .. and not in a good way.

"That's your dad I'm guessing?'' Lily questioned as I was storming back towards my car. 

"Yeah, I don't even think he cares for me anymore, usually he would call everyday if I ran away or he would at least chase me out after me walking away..'' I responded, holding back tears.

"Look Aubs, if you need anything you know I'm only a call away.''  

"Means so much, meet you at school''

Heading off into the streets, coming to a red light I pulled out my phone quickly typing a group message to Nathaniel and Grace telling them ; "Hey guys, meet me in the school parking lot, I'll be there in 10 which is when your lunch starts anyway. Need to talk.'' Hitting send it came to a green light, Lily was behind me honking, probably pissing off the people around us, I honked back laughing. She was such a goof. Finally after pissing everyone off we arrived in the parking lot of school. Looking around I couldn't see Nathaniel or Grace in sight.

Peyton and Brookelle passed by, "Hey , have you guys seen Grace or Nathaniel?''

''No, sorry love.'' Brookelle responded. While Peyton shook his head. Checking back to my phone to see if I had a response, to my disappointment there wasn't. OK, well class had just ended about 5 minutes ago, maybe they're caught up with something, well they're in the same class. Or maybe they didn't even get my text.  Looking under my window washers I seen another note. How could I possibly miss that while getting into my car and driving. 

"Ask your friend how the baby is for me, would ya ;)''

OK, this is seriously getting weird, who is stalking me? ... I asked myself. Another prank obviously. Ignoring it I started walking to the school. Nathaniel came up behind me , "where have you been? I was looking for you cause you said you would be here by lunch.'' 

'' I texted you to meet me in the parking lot and told Grace too.. it says sent.'' I responded. 

''Oh, how come? and sorry, we got our phones taken away in class babe.''

''Oh okay, well I can't explain now, lets grab Grace and go somewhere more .. private. I can't hold what I have to say in any longer, also wanting to tell you who I ran into.'' I said to him.

Finding Grace she had said , "Hey , where have you been? Me & Nathaniel were looking for you, we couldn't text because we had our phones taken away.'' 

'' Just follow me and we'll talk.'' I said leading them into the one hallway NO ONE and I mean no one goes to. It's always just been empty, no classes there either.  Don't know why they leave it unlocked.

"Well, what is it? You know how impatient I am.. especially with that priceless look on your face you had a second ago, I know it's got to be something big.'' Grace said.

''Oh shut up.'' I shot back.

''Yeah, I'm really curious as to who you ran into , start speaking.'' Nathaniel called out.

'' OK, well now I'm not just recieving calls or messages, but I found two notes now on my car all with a message, I got one heading out to meet up with Lily but had no time to run back in and tell Nathaniel seeing as he was running late too, and then I just got one now in the parking lot, guess it had been there since I was waiting for Lily to get her altrasound. I don't think it's Troy anymore though, but besides him who could it be?'' Handing them the pieces of paper I could see Nathaniel's face burning up in anger, felt like if he got any more mad his whole face would turn to flames. I've never seen him so mad. 

"We're going to the police with this, or actually I have a better idea, how about we have a steak out at my house tonight, we'll stay up and watch through the windows and see who does it, and we can use a camera too as evidence of the person. '' Nathaniel suggested.

''I like the second idea'' Grace said. "so sleepover tonight at Nate's?'' Grace asked.

''Sounds good to me, we could ask Riley to come?'' I offered.

''No it's fine, it's between us three and us three it shall stay, this is going to be fun. I can get the snacks , Aubrey can get the monsters to make us stay awake and well Nathaniel is already doing enough letting us stay over to do this, we can use our phones to record.'' Grace said.

''Sounds good, and also I have a camera with really good quilty I could bring over.'' Grace noted.

''Meet up after school and we'll head on our way. I don't think he's dumb enough to leave a note while it's parking in the parking lot at school considering the school cameras are all over that parking lot.''  Nathaniel said.

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