New Town Girl

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                        Chapter 51

**4 days passed.**

''Now we've got to unbox everything since everything's here.'' Nathaniel said.

''Yes, we do. I'm glad Grace's mom is out of the hospital, she's almost done packing her stuff.'' I said.

''Wow, she's only been out for two days and is basically done.'' Nathaniel commented.

''Well, they hadn't unboxed everything from their move so it wasn't hard. Too bad she couldn't move a little closer to us.'' I said.

''Yeah, true. Well if she needs help with the move we can always help. Riley and Grace will be in their new house tomorrow and then since our house will be set up with the dinning table and everything we can invite them over for supper.'' Nathaniel said.

''Good idea, well let's get started.'' I said.

''I'll start in the dinning room setting up everything and then the moving truck guy will bring the bed up and everything for us then you can set the sheets and blankets on the bed and get the room arranged to your pleasing. You can start moving around the dressers right now.'' Nathaniel said.

''I want to paint the rooms before the baby is here. I wanted to have the house painted before we moved in but whatever.'' I said.

''Aubrey, it's not an over night thing.'' Nathaniel said.

'' I know.. but it makes sense to have it all done before hand.'' I said.

  I didn't mean to complain and everything, I usually don't. I'm just stressed lately and with all the moving around and everything it's not going to be easy. I'm just glad Lily has her baby daddy around and it's alone or I would have not left.  I finished up a few things and then Nathaniel helped move around the heavy things I wanted moved around. 

''I was thinking we'd order something for supper.'' Nathaniel shouted from downstairs.

''Yeah, sounds good. What do you want?'' I shouted back.

''Maybe some chinese food?'' He asked.

''Yeah sure, you already know what I like there so you can go ahead and order.'' I said.

The doorbell rang 20 minutes later, thinking it was the chinese food I grabbed out some money from my purse and headed for the door to notice it wasn't the chinese food delievery guy.

''Hello, who are you?'' I said answering the door. ''I'm your neighbor, I was just coming to welcome you.'' A friendly voiced, girl said. She looked about my age. ''Oh, thank you. How old are you?'' I asked. ''I'm just about to be 18 in a couple months.'' She answered. ''Oh me too, are you living on your own?'' I asked. ''No, unfortuantely I'm still living with my parents. How about you?'' ''I'm living with my boyfriend.'' I said. ''Expecting?'' She asked. ''Pardon me?'' ''You know, like are you pregnant?'' ''Oh yes, haha. Guess it's starting to get noticable.'' I said smiling.

I was kind of glad someone pointed out it was noticable. I was a proud pregnant woman, and soon to be a proud mom. 

''Why don't you come over for supper tomorrow? My two friends are coming down for supper tomorrow also because they're just moving to the house right there.'' I said pointing to their soon to be house.

''Oh sure. Sounds fun, we should really hangout sometime. I've got so much to tell you about that house but I'll see ya later.'' She said jumping off the steps and opening her door to go inside her house.

   I wonder what she meant by that, but I didn't think much of anything. Before I could even sit down the door bell rang. ''Ok , this has got to be my chinese food.'' I thought to myself.

 Sitting at the table I then told Nathaniel about the girl I had met who was our neighbor and happened to be the same age as us, I explained to him how I invited her over for dinner tomorrow and all. What I didn't tell him is that she had stuff to tell us about the house considering I thought it would be something dumb like explaining who used to live here or something like that.

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