New Town Girl

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                       Chapter 55

''Aubrey wake up babe.'' Nathaniel yelled.                                                                                                                 ''Why?'' I asked, jumping up thinking something was wrong.                                                                               ''Well, it's almost twelve and you have plans today and I have to get going real soon too.'' Nathaniel said.

''Well, I couldn't get to bed last night, there was annoying tapping on the window because the stupid wind outside was pushing the tree branches.'' I complained.

"There was light wind, how can it possibly make the tree branches hit the window?'' Nathaniel said.

''Not like you'd know considering you were sound asleep and snoring.'' I said.

''Aubrey, there wasn't strong wind last night.'' Nathaniel said.

''Well whatever, I'm getting up now. I'm going to hop into the shower and then get ready. I'll go fast, I promise.'' I said.

   Rushing into the shower I grabbed my comb, towels, one for my hair and one for my body and then got quickly into the shower. Normally I like to enjoy my showers, actually with nights like the one I had I usually like to enjoy my baths but guess that's not happening considering I would be in the bath for an hour, soaking in it until I turn into a little brun. Gosh, I wish I didn't start thinking about it because now I really wish I could take one. This baby is taking all of my energy I swear. 

** 45 minutes later.

''I'm ready, I'll be down in a second. I'm just going to get breakfast, well brunch actually with Grace.''

''Okay, I'm heading out now.'' Nathaniel said.

''Ok, bye babe.'' I yelled down while finishing putting on the rest of my make up.

**20 minutes later.

''Hey girl. Can we eat before shopping? I got up late. Long night.'' I told Grace.

''Yeah sure, baby kept you up last night?'' Grace asked.

''No, all the wind last night. It's been driving me insane with all the branches banging on the window.'' I said.

''There was really light wind, your tree must be very close. You should get the branches cut then.'' Grace said.

''Weird, Nathaniel also said it was light wind. The tree branches aren't close to my window actually, not really. Little wind wouldn't make the tree branches push up against my window.'' I said.

''Maybe your imagination was just getting the best of you last night.'' Grace said.

''Yeah maybe.'' 


Authors Note; sorry for taking so long to update, my phone has been going slow lately and so I can't redownload wattpad and it's too frustrating to do on safari. I'm on my boyfriends laptop right now since mine is still broken. I'll be updating my next chapter real soon because I'll be starting on it right now to make up for the wait. Thanks for the reads<3 

Hope you all had a merry christmas for those who celebrate! Hope boxing day wasn't too much of a handful, and hope your new years is just as wonderful ! :)

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