New Town Girl

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           Chapter 38

I was already down the the street, rushing to Nathaniel's work to go get him before something would happen. I jumped out of the car arriving where he was working, Grace was headed off the other direction towards the school to go find her boyfriend.

I walked up to some guy who worked there, ''Have you seen Nathaniel?'' 

''No sorry, who are you?'' 

''I'm his girlfriend, I need help finding him , when was the last time you seen him?'' 

''Last time was when he was driving off with his buddy, I can go ask the boss if he had signed back in and started working, break had been over 10 minutes ago so if he's not signed in then I don't know where he is.''

''OK thank you.''

A few minutes later he came back, ''Hey, he hadn't signed in or nothing, are you okay?''

''No, no I'm not.. I got this letter on my door step from this freak who had been stalking me for months now and had killed my father,  he has still not been found, and I think he has my boyfriend.''

''Well, I can tell my boss and ask him if we can round up some buddies to help you out on your search? It's been a slow day so there's no guarantees he's going to say yes though.'' he then gave me a second glare saying, ''what, is your dad the guy who was recently in the news paper with that lady crying or something making her statement and on the news?''

''Yes, that's my father...'' I said crying now.

''One second'' he said rushing off to go talk to his boss to see if he could be a help in any way.

''He said okay, he shut down work for the day, I hope this isn't some misunderstanding or something or he's just forgot time or something because this is coming out of our pay, and is going to be a longer day of work tomorrow.'' He said.

''I promise I'm not wasting your time, he's missing. He is never late for work and if he wasn't going to head back he would call me but I know he wouldn't just flop on work, I have a baby on the way so he can't afford to miss work.''

I walked away heading to my car while they got in theirs, they didn't need a description because they already knew what he looked like so they headed off in different directions, I called Grace seeing as I had 3 miss calls from her, 

''Hey, you okay? Did you find your boyfriend?'' ''Nope, he's gone Aubrey, he's fucking gone.. '' ''Babe, I can't find Nathaniel either but a bunch of his buds from construction and boss are gone out looking for him, we need to get the cops involved.''  

I hung up not letting her respond in a rush to call the police. I explained everything and then the cop said, ''We'll send out some undercovers to look out for the two missing guys, you stay safe with your friend. One cop will be on his way to the house.'' 

I texted Grace, ''I'm on my way back to Nathaniel's , the cop is coming and undercover cops are gone looking with the other guys, they're going to give a picture of your boyfriend, I emailed in a picture of both of them for the police. Meet back at Nathaniel's now.'' 

Heading back for Nathaniel's I could hardly see, I was intears. I got back in a matter of minutes into Nathaniel's drive way, just to my luck his moms car was in the drive way meaning she's home.

Walking in I rushed to tell Nathaniel's mom, she turned back responding, ''it's all over the news, I'm heading out to search for them, you stay here and lock all the doors, Grace is up in the room crying, go try comforting her as much as you can.


Authors Note;  Are the cops and construction guys going to find the guys ? Are they going to be found dead or alive if found?  You'll find out soon ;) . I'm going to start up on the chapter very soon, it might be uploaded by tonight the earliest.

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