New Town Girl

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                  Chapter 39

3 hours later..

''Why, why the fuck is this happening to us?'' I said out crying.

''I want our boyfriends back, I hope they're not hurt. After what happened with your dad, I can't handle that, he was like a second dad to me. ''

''I have nothing Grace, nothing. I can't raise this kid on my own, I wanted my dad to at least meet the little one too. I am supposed to find out like next week the gender. '' 

''Aubrey, if we don't find them, I promise I will find a house, I can move out whenever I want to, my mom would pay for our rent until we can find a stable job, I will raise your baby with you and support you through everything.'' 

I couldn't stop crying, she's legit the best friend ever, I couldn't have asked for a better person in my life. I was going through so much and I'm just so glad she moved down here, but what I don't understand is why is this happening to her, like she has nothing to do with this, and how did that person even know about Grace and her boyfriend, was he also stalking her? omg. This needs to stop, I thought to myself.

''Look Aubrey I know how tough it is, I don't need so much sympathy, you lost your boyfriend who is also your baby daddy of your unborn baby, you lost your father, you lost your mom long ago, you move around constantly which has to be incredibly hard, making new friends all the time, I really don't know how you do it, you had a bad relationship and are trying to trust in this one but it's tough considering what happened earlier, and I can't say I understand what you're going through because I have a mom, but I don't have a dad who sticks around which is something I can relate to about your mom. Your mom is watching over you and knows how strong of a girl you are, she is so proud, you're such a strong beautiful girl, and everyone is proud of you. Your dad will meet your child, I know it wont be in person where the baby can see, but your dad will see and is watching you right now.'' 

I couldn't say anything, I just cried and hugged Grace. She's the only one who understood me and ONLY one I told everything too, Nathaniel doesn't even know half of my life. If I ever see him again, I'm going to tell him everything, I guess we did rush into the relationship but there's no going back now. 

Phone starts ringing, diving to the phone, literally diving I answer, 

''Hello'' ''Hello, is this Aubrey Gordon?'' ''Yes, it is.'' ''We have found the guys, we are interviewing them, you may come down to the station with Grace.'' ''I will be there in 5''


''Why?'' she said wiping away her tears.


We got there within 5 minutes because we were rushing, I jumped right into Nathaniel's arms.

''I'm so glad you're okay.'' I said now crying my eyes out.

''Babe, don't cry.'' Nathaniel said wiping up my tears.

''Is the guy caught?'' I asked.

''No, sorry ma'am. They knocked the guys unconcious and so they don't remember what the guy looked like.'' The officer said.

''Not even one thing Nathaniel? No description at all?'' I questioned.

''No babe, just remember the person wearing all black.'' Nathaniel repsonded.

''There are more police out searching for the guy, don't you worry. We found the guys, how hard can it be to find the guy? Especially if he's spying and leaving notes randomly, we'll have someone watching over your house at all times from down the street, do you know who he could be after next?'' 

''I don't think so, there's no one else really. I'm new here and all I had was my father.'' I said now crying.

''I'm sorry ma'am, I hadn't meant to make you cry, I know it's tough, I just need information to keep everyone else safe because who knows what he's doing and planning right now.'' The officer said.

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