New Town Girl

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Chapter 59

Rushing upstairs the running water stopped. The sink wasn't wet or nothing but then we heard a bang downstairs. We ran downstairs to hear smashing in the kitchen but when we got there it was nothing. Just some how there were two smashed plates out of my favorite plate set.

"How can that happen?" I started questioning, " you said this house was safe Nate!" I said in frustration.

"Aubrey it was probably some plates not put in right, running tape could've been on our television because I left it on upstairs by accident before we came downstairs. It is safe here, okay a couple weird things happened, just forget about them and stop stressing." Nathaniel said.

"Whatever. Can we just go out to eat?" I asked Nathaniel.

"Yeah sure." Nathaniel agreed.

We got ready and left for the car to head to McDonald's for breakfast. I don't know why but I've been craving their pancakes lately. Maybe it'll get my mind off all this paranormal stuff going on.


6 hours later.

"I'm going to just check my laptop." I told Nathaniel after we finished watching a movie.

"Sure, I'm going to start making supper. Why don't you bring your laptop down here?" Nathaniel asked.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second." I responded.

I really wanted to see who commented on my status so I clicked on it to see who was all commenting or if I even got comments or something. I was kind of nervous to even fun out to be completely honest. I opened my laptop and turned it on. I typed in Facebook on google chrome and it automatically logged me in because I have my laptop automatically save and log me in on Facebook because I saved the password. I checked two notifications and one message.

Dany, my old friend had messaged.

"It's pathetic how someone would hack you and be so rude about you. But I had no idea you were pregnant? How's everything?"

"Everything is alright. I guess. And oh just haven't gotten around to announcing so kind of weird how this person knew.. Has to be someone close to me. But how's everything with you? You haven't messaged me since I moved." I responded.

Notifications; 36 likes on status


Comments; "how low"

"You're pregnant?"

"How come we all didn't know you were pregnant and sad how someone would stoop so low"

"Sorry for believing those messages and that stupid status. Just haven't talked to you in a bit so wasn't sure."

"Love you and here to support you, when we find out who that hacker is we'll all have our fair share on beating him."

"Wish you well with your new family! update us!"

"We'll find out and yes update us!"

I'm so glad they believe me. I seriously was so nervous to even check my Facebook at first. I decided I'd actually respond to the comments.

"Yes it was low but I'm changing my passwords for everything and putting security on it, also I am 7 months along almost and will be going for another altrasound soon then will post a ton of pictures. I'm sorry I hadn't updated you guys, just was still getting over the fact I'm pregnant and needed time to myself before going public with the news." I hit comment then switched my browser to wattpad to go read some more of the stories being updated that I'm reading. I don't want to fall behind on my books.

I read through the book I was reading and got all the way until the end where I had to wait for next update. I didn't care to read my other books right now because I hate focused on more than one now because then I get stories mixed up.

"Suppers ready darling. Put your laptop away now." Nathaniel said preparing a plate for me.

"Okay. I'll just put it in the living room." I responded.

4 hours later ***

"Nathaniel, I can't sleep." I said shaking Nathaniel.

"Wants wrong?" Nathaniel asked half awake.

"I just can't sleep, the baby keeps kicking me and I'm just over heating." I said to Nathaniel crying now.

"Aubrey don't cry. It's going to be okay. Do you want me to turn on central air and get you a couple of cold cloths?" Nathaniel asked.

He's such an amazing, caring guy. I thought to myself. I really want to just go to sleep like, I feel so bad waking him up when he has work early tomorrow. It was wrong of me to wake him but I'm really not feeling good at all. This baby is coming out soon thankfully. At least I won't be sick anymore after, just going to have less sleep and longer days. Didn't know it was going to be this hard.

"Here you go." Nathaniel said handing me a cold cloth. " I turned on the central air too, it'll start getting cooler in here so you'll be able to sleep." He said.

"Thank you, sorry for waking you." I said turning over to my other side.

He just kissed me on the back of my head and fell back asleep after. I wish I could sleep as easily as he can. I really don't feel like getting up. I would if my laptop was in the room but since it's all the way downstairs, no thanks.

I got to bed no longer than 45 long minutes after Nathaniel had fallen asleep.


I got up to the sound of tapping. Sounded like it was coming from the end of the hallways. I heard three taps and then nothing. I wish I had my neighbors number just to get a little information on the house incase the house was paranormal. In the morning I'm going to go to my neighbors and just talk to her about it.


Authors note; so tomorrow Aubrey will go find out everything about the house which may explain all the stuff going on. Or you'll find out if it's actually just a stalker back. The stalker is gone so far, or is the stalker actually still around waiting for the right time? Keep reading to find out!

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