New Town Girl

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                                Chapter 9

         A few minutes Grace would be here, getting all excited having my best friend here with me for the next week will be a great way to get my mind off so much stuff. What was great was my amazing night last night, most unforgettable night of my life. I guess thinking of that and having my best friend with me during the long nights will be great. Grace always had that special way of making me feel better. Nathaniel was getting ready to leave so I gave him a kiss and told him to get Riley and we should all go out to the movies this time, weird for me to be asking him out on the date, but whatever. I think it would be a fun thing for all of us to do. 

" Yeah of course, I'll text Riley when I get home or call him, I'm sure he'll be definitely down for it. I'm going to head out now babe, have yourself a good night and I'll message you when I get home darling.''

''okay babe, see you tomorrow, I am going to drive with Grace tomorrow in my car although it was great riding with you but I'm sure it'll save you time in the morning and gas.'' 

'' I didn't mind it, don't you worry. Anytime we can still do that. I love being with you babe.''

'' Awe, well see you, I'll have my phone on me so I'll respond.''

Heading out the door I kissed him quickly and started making snacks for me and Grace so when she arrived we could watch some movies and pig out or something. I know I'm hungry so hopefully she is.

*knock knock knock* then door opening, haha knew it would be Grace , she always just walked in, it's as if she's family, well she basically is, I mean we've known each other since pre school. Having her move around here was just super amazing. I went to her telling her about the plans I had arranged and just had to wait to be confirmed by Riley. She was all up for the idea, she loved spending time with Riley, it's great best friends dating best friends, double dates are always a cute thing.

"should we go shopping for an outfit ? I packed many pairs of clothing and heels incase a date were to come up this week, but I think I could use a few more things.'' Grace had asked.

'' Oh sure, I'll put the snacks away and we can go first then come back and eat the snacks and watch movies together, unless you had homework then after shopping we can do that and munch on the snacks?''

" well I got homework so shopping then snacks and homework sounds pretty good actually.''

Heading out I locked the doors and we took my car. I texted Nathaniel telling him I would be going out to the mall for a little bit and what the rest of my plans were for tonight. After sending the text we headed off to the mall. Going through many stores we bought a few things from each store, we seriously had a shopping problem.. I also need to save money, nothing against my father, like it's great being with him but I was kind of trying to get my own apartment. Maybe Grace could move in with me and we could split rent or something haha, but then again she was having renovations so she wouldn't want to move out of her moms after her mom just did some renovations. Picking out a few more outfits and shoes, good thing I have my own bank card so my dad doesn't go through what I've spent, all though it wouldn't be hard to figure out considering he's a cop.. haha. 

On our way back home we blasted the music, I had gotten a text, figuring it would be Nathaniel I would just check it when I got home. Hopefully he got the response from Riley haha, probably what he's messaging me to tell me. 

Nathaniel; hey babe, sounds like a well planned night, Riley said tomorrow is perfect and that he would be there. You girls get to decide on the movie, don't make it too sappy ;).

Made me smile so obviously Grace knew it was him .

'' Riley said tomorrow is good, we're picking the movie, which movie should we put them through? haha'' I said to Grace.

'' Well there's supposed to be some good new horror film out, but I'd rather watch that here sometime because it's more of a cuddling movie, but there's many other movies out, which ones are you interested in?''

''good point, and honestly that new dancing movie, it has Chris Brown in it, some people said he wasn't in much of it because he got injured in the movie before the dance off, which is kind of stupid because majority of the girls are going because he's in that movie, but we should definitely watch it!''

'' Sounds good with me, well lets put our stuff away, we can plan after which outfit we're going to wear, I got some annoying work which I know you're good at and I'm good at science, guess it's a good thing we're spending the night together because we can help each other out haha''

'' haha yeah true, well let's getting started on work now.''

Just about ready I get a text from an unknown number, didn't even know it was possible to block a number while texting ..

unknown number; I got your number, miss me?

Already assuming who it was I put my phone down ignoring it. Grace looked at me and asked what's wrong, love how she knew me just as well as Nathaniel did haha, guess I'm really not hard to figure out.

''It's nothing, just some text from a unknown number, can already guess who it is, I don't even care.''

Knowing I truly do care and it was bothering me that I actually do, I rather not admit it. Starting up our homework and munching on the snacks we finally finished 45 minutes later. We started picking out our outfits and then our outfits for tomorrow also. 

We were by far too tired to watch any movies, we crashed. Waking up to a call, "hello?'' ''hey babe, sorry to call you so late, did I wake you?'' ''yeah, but it's no big deal, what's up?'' ''Oh, I sent 2 messages but I need somewhere to stay, I just got home & I'm locked out and everyone is sleeping in my house, is it okay if I spend the night there?'' ''yeah sure babe, come over , see you soon.'' 

Grace got up, "Nathaniel that was?''  

'' haha yeah, he's locked out so he's coming here for the night too, if only Riley would come too, I should tell Nathaniel to invite him , lol I'm gonna call him. Three rings he answered ''Yeah babe? I'm driving right now, make this fast please'' ''well I was wondering if Riley could come over for Grace so she doesn't feel awkward or anything'' ''okay sure, i'll call him when I get there, or could Grace?, but look babe I got to go, i'll see you in like 3 minutes.'' ''OKay Grace will call, bye'' 

Grace called and he said he would be over in 15 minutes. Nathaniel had just gotten here so I told him to sleep in my bed, Grace was sleeping in the bed across from me and so I fell back asleep in Nathaniel's arms and Nathaniel and Grace had stayed up waiting for Riley while watching television.  10 minutes later Riley had shown up. When he got here we all went back to bed because we were so tired, I don't think we were going to go to school tomorrow, what's one day off of school? I mean it can't do harm, we are all already caught up so whatever.

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