New Town Girl

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              Chapter 11

The movie had just finished, it was pretty good but not as good as I was expecting, Grace agreed it wasn't as good as she was expecting either, but it was pretty good. Turning back on my phone I had recieved two more messages. Remembering I hadn't read Mike's message because I decided I would just turn off my phone considering I would be going into the movie, I clicked on his message and read, ''Oh, nothing really interesting had been happening here besides the party last week, was kind of lame to be completely honest but what can you really expect down here.'' I clicked respond and started typing away, 

'' Haha, oh that's too bad and no kidding, never really was exciting down there. I've been busy lately down here, there's actually quite a bit to do surprisingly considering it's a small town I thought maybe there wouldn't be much to do but there's resturants, a movie theatre and actually a really nice mall down around here. I already had gone to a party down here, you should definitely come down here next time there's a party, I'll be sure to message you, they have great parties down here.''

Hitting send I went to read my other messages coming from unknown, this time I hadn't deleted them I decided I would read them, clicking on the first one it said,

''hey, no response? playing hard to get eh ;)''

''I know you at least got one of these messages, don't be affraid to answer, I wont bite.''  

Clicking quickly out of those mesages trying not to make it obvious I was getting scared because I didn't want to make a scene, this night was going good, I rather not ruin it with some bad news about some stupid prank texts. Ignoring the messages was probably the best thing to do, giving my attention towards some pranker is only feeding them.

About to be in the driveway I invited Riley and Nathaniel to come hang out with us for a little bit. Getting into the house we all sat watching television, I cuddled close into Nathaniel's arms and put my head into his chest. I looked up at him deciding it was time, looking him in the eyes I finally got the words I've been choking on for the past 2 minutes of starring into his eyes I blurted out, "Nathaniel, I .. I .. I love you.''  So scared of what he was going to say, if he hadn't felt the same yet I sat there feeling so awkward until he smiled and said, "I love you Aubrey'' . I felt so warm inside, getting that off my chest and letting him know how I feel, I felt so close to him, I know I wont regret saying that, I know I truly meant it. Squeezing him tight I felt all the butterflies just rushing through my body, it was such a great, heart warming feeling. 

  I didn't want this time together to end, I just loved spending time with him but before I knew it, he had to leave and Riley was staying the night at his house so he headed off. Walking back into the living room Grace was jumping up and down saying "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE OMG'' haha, she's such a dork, but I was not at all surprised I would walk into something in the living room. Gotta love her, I turned saying, "I know right, I was so nervous but then he said it back, I feel like so happy it's crazy, like I want to spend every second with him, I already miss him, I've never felt this way before'' 

''Girl, I don't think you just love him, YOU'RE INLOVE WITH HIM''

''Really, you think so? I mean I think you're right.''

Smiling we went and made a snack then headed off to bed because we had school tomorrow morning, unfortunately but atleast that would mean I get to see Nathaniel! 

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