New Town Girl

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AUTHORS NOTE: I was thinking I would do another POV again, but this one is going to be from Riley's perspective because I feel he could be involved a little more and we never seem to hear much about him anymore. I was trying to kick out a little bit of the characters though because eventually this story will be coming to it's end unfortunately. :( 

                                           Chapter 65

          RILEY'S POV.

   I was having an amazing time out at dinner, I actually got to see Grace and could see Nathaniel again. I've really missed them considering I had been trapped in another room from them, it had really sucked. The conversation at the table was kind of awkward, I could just see all the awkward emotions, it just sucked that Nathaniel was the ONLY one to have no clue about anything although he's pretty lucky also for not having to know, but you could just tell Aubrey hadn't told him about anything she'd been seeing or had happening lately.

"LET GO OF MY ARM, FUCK!" I yelled to the guy as he pulled my arm dragging me into my room.

"Don't you go raising your little mouth at me." He said giving me a punch right to my jaw. Got to admit he had some nice hooks.

     I said nothing, knowing it was probably the smart thing to do. He walked out of the room for a couple minutes. I had so much on my mind, I can't imagine how hard it is for Grace too knowing I can't even ask her because she's locked in another room and I couldn't ask her today considering Aubrey and Nathaniel would find out what we've been not telling them and it would only get us in a lot of shit either way. I just wasn't sure when we could finally tell them, I'd rather suffer the conciquences then let them get hurt or Grace. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if Grace got hurt. She doesn't deserve what's going on, I still don't understand why her and I have to be locked up like this either. It's so stupid, I've got to say.  

Interrupting my thoughts, the white door that looked black to me considering the lights were off, opened and and the man came back. Sometimes I wish he would just leave me alone down here forever I wouldn't even care. I've never felt intimidated before, well besides by Nathaniel, and let me tell you it's not a good feeling.

   I began drifting off to sleep, somehow. I really don't even know how I manage to sleep knowing Grace isn't safe in my arms right now and anything could be happening. Until I heard a scream.

Authors Note; I wanted the chapter to be longer, but also wanted to end it off with something interesting . Keep reading to find out who the scream was.

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