New Town Girl

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                                                                Chapter 68

                 I woke up at 6 A.M and very quickly grabbed my laptop so I wouldn't wake up Nathaniel. I logged onto my laptop and immediately went right onto facebook. When I logged on it said I had 3 inboxes. Two from just old friends and one from the unknown. I knew logging on I would find something.

"So you've got your little friends back, but just remember we know where you are. No we're not your next door neighbors, didn't you know that was only for a limited time, we were going to free your friends once I got what I wanted, but now you've been stubborn and nosey, damn he must've really changed you that new guy, remember you used to mind your damn business and not be stubborn? But don't worry I'll change you back once I get you back." 

I had the nerve to respond, I could feel it in my body, I knew I could but I also knew it wouldn't be right. I knew that since every one wants to call the cops and what not so it wouldn't be good for me to respond. I knew that but I just had to know what the hell he wanted. Why he wanted to bug me so bad, he should've known either way it wasn't going to work once I moved. But I don't see his motive for turning so pyscho when he was never like this when we dated and I would've never guessed he'd turn this way after breaking up, especially considering he also kissed someone else. I couldn't respond though, I'm going to be due soon, I can't be wasting my time responding to some criminal, I don't need all this. I have to figure out the next move because this one was terrible, I don't see no good security either.. I really thought I could trust Nathaniel. 

As time flew by I was thinking so hard about stuff then remember, WE HAVEN'T HEARD FROM GRACE'S MOM LATELY.. I wonder if she's okay, but it would be too early to go check on her. I mean, it's only 7 A.M right now. She'd most likely be sleeping right now if she is fine. 

I closed my laptop half an hour later, I then drifted back off into sleep. 


"Aubrey wake up, I made every one breakfast and yours is on the table." Nathaniel said shaking me and leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"OK, I'll be down in a second." I responded.

I really didn't want to get up and leave bed, I was so exhausted from having like no sleep, not to mention all the thoughts on my head stressing me out and keeping me up for so long but if I don't get up now I know Nathaniel will come back and start questioning why I'm still so tired so I began getting up and heading for the stairs.

"Good morning guys." I said while sitting down keeping my head down starring at my food and no one else.

"Good morning, hope you got better sleep after all that woke us up last night." Grace said.

"Yup, I guess." I responded.

"Are you sure you got much sleep Aubrey? I can always just make you more food or take you out for breakfast later? Well, actually it would be lunch." Nathaniel said.

"No, I'm fine. I'll eat now, I'm hungry now anyway and already awake so I might as well stay up." I responded.

"You don't look so good." Riley said.

"Yeah, thanks." I said back to him.

"No, I didn't mean it that way, I just mean it looks like you could use a lot more sleep Aubrey." Riley said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's what happens while pregnant." I responded.

I dug into my food, it was actually delicious so I'm glad I got up. When I was finished we all headed to the living room. I went upstairs quickly to grab my laptop and then met them all back downstairs. I'm glad this morning is going well and Grace still wants to talk to me after how rude I was to her last night. I just couldn't stop thinking about Grace's mom or the message I got or even all what was all happening lately, it's crazy and to think I'm going to be due in less than a month is even more crazy. But, I really didn't know a way to bring up Grace's mom right now without causing more stress on everyone so I decided to text her. "Hey mommy, how's everything? Haven't heard from you lately." I texted her, I  always call her mommy, since like my second time going to Grace's house. She just always made me feel so at home and comfortable.

"Why do you need your laptop Aubrey, I was thinking we'd all just watch some TV right now." Nathaniel asked me.

"Well, I just wanted to look up some things and what not." I responded.

"Oh okay." Natthaniel said.

*ding.* I got a text message from Grace's mom.

"Hey dear, yeah sorry I've just been a little busy with things like cleaning and especially with unpacking still some stuff I haven't done but you know you can message me whenever you would like or if you ever need anything, don't feel like a bother and don't be a stranger." 

"Okay, I'm glad you're getting things done, I hope you're liking your new house and you too.<3" I resopnded back to Grace's mom.

"Who was that you're texting?" Nathaniel asked.

"Oh, no one. Just Grace's mom to see how she is and everything." I said.

"How is everything with her?" Grace asked.

"She's good, she's just been busy cleaning and unpacking and what not." I responded.

"Oh, that's good. I haven't heard from her in a while." Grace responded. " I was beginning to get worried." She continued on.

"Yeah, same. But I knew she would be just fine. I don't think we should tell her about what's going on though, I mean we should but I really don't want to scare her, she's been through enough as it is."  I said.

"Yeah, I agree. I'll talk to my mom just so she's aware and safe and what not." Grace responded.

"I don't think there's really any way you can talk to her about that after what has already happened to her and have her not be scared." Nathaniel said.

"That's true, but I have to keep my mother safe. A little scare is better than being held hostage or something worse." Grace responded.


Authors note; Sorry for the delay on update, I have exams coming up trying to get up to speed in all my classes. I apologize and I will try updating every second weekend and working on it on weekends. I might even be able to get a little time in during the week and having more frequent updates.

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