New Town Girl

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Chapter 58

"Yeah, I heard that." Nathaniel responded.

"I'm too tired to get up babe." I complained.

"Me too, it's always nothing so let's go back to bed hunny. You need your sleep." Nathaniel said.

We tried ignoring it but then I woke to hearing my bedroom door knob kind of clinging as if someone was trying to open it. I had my window open last night so I just assumed it was the wind. All though my mind wanted to think that I still couldn't stop thinking otherwise at the same time. I really couldn't get back to sleep and I really didn't want to wake up Nathaniel. Since I couldn't sleep I grabbed my laptop from beside my bed and starting going on my wattpad and reading my book to get things off my mind. I had finished my book and had to wait for another update but since I still couldn't sleep I decided to check my Facebook. I tried logging in but kept getting my password wrong, it was so weird. Maybe I had forgotten my password, although I had never changed my password since I had made my Facebook. I sent a password reset request to my email and then reset my password. I logged on and all my messages seemed to be cleared. That's weird, I thought to myself. I went checking my news feed, seemed so boring. No one had really been up to anything. I did notice I had 36 notifications. All commenting on some status I made a few weeks ago. That's weird considering I haven't been on for over a few months now actually.

"Wow, someone has changed."


"I really thought you'd be the last to write such stupid things."

"You're never on fb and the one time you are you update your status like this, and tell us all off in messages."

It went on and on but I really didn't want to read anymore. I checked out my status reading,

"Guys, stop messaging me. I'm obviously busy with my new boyfriend who made me cheat on my ex, and don't need any of you guys. You're all fucking losers. & stop apologizing for my dads death and trying to console me, I truly don't care. All he did was wreck my life."

I was going to comment but who would believe I didn't write all these things or something. I deleted the status immediately. I updated my status,

"I've been busy and wasn't on Facebook lately, someone hacked me and changed my password but I got it back. I'm so sorry you guys truly felt I'd write something like this. I couldn't even bare to read all the comments, first couple tore me enough. I would never say something like this and cannot see what has been messaged and who have been messaged. Everything has been deleted." I hit post with tears rushing down my face. Who would possibly do this to me? I asked myself. I felt Nathaniel moving around in bed and if I kept on my weeping I'd for sure wake him. I tucked myself in and laid my head into Nathaniel's chest and drifted off to sleep.

"Good morning babe, how was your sleep?" Nathaniel asked.

"Good, when did you wake up?" I asked.

"About an hour ago, you were sleeping so sweetly so I didn't want to wake you." Nathaniel said.

"Nathaniel, I'm not really feeling so well.. do you mind staying home today?" I asked Nathaniel.

I know I shouldn't make him stay home from work and would regret it considering now he's going to question me I just really don't want to be alone today.

"Yeah sure, what's going on babe?" Nathaniel asked.

"I guess my emotions are all over the place because the baby." I said trying to sound believable.

He stayed home and every thing seemed normal for majority of the day until around 12 pm we started hearing water running .. To be continued ..


Authors note; so no you didn't find out what it was or who but you did find out it's getting worse. Keep reading to find out what's all going to happen next<3

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