New town Girl

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Back to Aubrey's POV

"Asher is crying again, is it your turn or mine to get him?" I asked Nathaniel.

"Yours but I'll do it, you must be exhausted after all that's going on not to mention you just gave birth to our amazing son. You go back to sleep, love." Nathaniel responded.

He went off to get the baby and then I grabbed my phone to check any miss calls or text messages. Two text messages received so I opened my lock screen.

Grace: hey, I'm sorry about last night with my mom and everything she was prob just stressed, I talked to her don't worry. Hopefully this text doesn't wake you up. I'm going to come over tomorrow around lunch time, see you then."

I was going to respond but I'll just see her tomorrow. I clicked on the next message.

Grace's mom had texted saying, " hey , I apologize and let nathaniel know too, I was just overwhelmed and just said anything."

I couldn't even think of responded after what she said, I know she's been like a mom but she was way out of line to upset my new family. I decided not even to answer and just go back to bed. Nathaniel wouldn't want me getting all worked up with responding to them and everything, he knows me well enough to know it would end up just keeping me up all night.

"Babe, wake up breakfast is ready and you've got to breast feed, Asher had just waken up and I brought him downstairs to sit in his basinet while I did some dishes and make breakfast for you and I." Nathaniel said while kissing my forehead.

"Thanks a lot, you didn't have to." I said. 

That was so nice of him to do, I really am lucky to have a guy like him and with all the stuff going on I am SO glad he had made breakfast for me or I most definitely wouldn't have ate. Nathaniel handed me Asher after eating and I took him to his little bath so i could wash him off a bit after feeding him. 

"The door is for you!" Nathaniel screamed up the stairs to me.

"Who is it?" I yelled down.

"Your friend." He called back.

That really helped .. Gosh he can be so frustrating. I rushed down the stairs with Asher in his little towel all bundled up to someone who well.. TOOK ME BY SURPRISE.

"OH MY GOODNESS, Lily how have you been?" I asked.

"Very good, I stopped by for a little play date with our kids." She responded.

"Well you couldn't have picked a better day, I have actually no plans today." I told her.

"Well that's great." She said while walking into the living room with her baby.

"Bryson is so cute, I can't believe we both had babies." I said smiling.

"Asher is just as cute oh my goodness, and me neither. They're such blessings ! " She responded.

"You bet they are, so how are you managing?" I asked her.

"I'm doing good, I'm actually on my own once again.. but hey there's plenty of fish in the sea, I just hope they're good enough to be a part of my baby's life. I have been actually talking to a guy named Trevor. He's cute and funny, I'm going on a date with him tomorrow night but I'm not introducing him to my baby yet, he's aware I have one though but I just don't want to bring guys into my baby's life until I know they're good and aren't going to make me regret it." Lily said.

"That's great Lily, you're doing so well and you know you can stop by anytime. Give me a call or text whenever and we can go do things together." I responded.

"Yah, that sounds great. I was wondeirng if you guys wanted to go out to get something to eat for lunch, I'll pay." Lily offered.

"Oh sure, but you don't have to pay it must be hard without support with just you and your baby." I said.

"Oh, alright. I've been actually looking for a job, I was thinking of finishing school but it's not easy while having a baby and well, my ex is dating a girl from this school I wanted to go to, it's a school for teen mom's and well I think I just wouldn't be able to handle going there knowing she'll probably try picking on me and I can't stand seeing him picking up her baby but not even taking care of his own when I really thought he'd be there for me, you know?" Lily said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean hun, I'm so sorry to hear. But what kind of job are you interested in,  I can take care of your baby because daycares can be very expensive." I offered.

"Are you sure?" She replied.

"Yes, of course." I told her.

"Well, I've been wanting to take this course to become a hair dresser, I have all the money saved up but I was going to try to save up more to be able to afford to pay for a daycare for my baby to go to but since you offered that's just great because there's an opening this Wednesday and I was going to sign up and everything, if you wouldn't mind to start babysitting Wednesday? It's Monday-Thursday from 8AM- 4PM and it's a 5 week course. Would that be cool with you and Nathaniel?" she asked.

"Yeah of course that would be fine. You could drop Bryson off at 7:00AM every morning that way you got time to make it to your course and everything and then pick him up whenever after you're finished." I responded.

"You're literally the best!" She told me.

It felt like she had already expected me to offer to be honest, she had everything figured out but then again she also was wanting to go and going to save up for daycare so clearly she was looking into it, it's not like she had planned to dump her baby on me, plus it will be really fun to look after him. Him & Asher are such easy babies to take care of anyway.     We watched a movie together and then had decided we were all getting hungry so I told her we could head out whenever she was ready. 

"Well we can head out now, have you got a restaurant in mind?" She asked.

"Lonestar sounds good, what do you guys think?" I asked her and Nathaniel.

"Sounds good to me." Nathaniel responded.

"Me too, I seriously love lonestar!" Lily said.

"Alright, sounds like a plan." I said.

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