New Town Girl

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Chapter 60

"Hey, I've just stopped by to ask some things." I said when Clarissa answered her door.

"Sure, do you want to come in?" Clarissa asked.

"Sure." I said.

We got inside, her house was actually nice. Not as big as mine though. Looked like Grace's house but a little nicer actually.

"So what did you want to ask?" Clarissa asked.

"Well, I was just wondering.. uhm, what do you really know about my house? like any story behind it or like, ever heard what people had kind of experienced there?" I asked.

"Stuff is happening isn't it." Clarissa asked.

"Well, not for sure." I replied.

"Well what I know if is that a lot of weird things started happening, like stuff breaking, tapping on window when no wind. Windows opening randomly. I never heard much more because everyone ended up moving after that. I was close with one of the girls who lived there and she told me she moved after that." Clarissa told me.

"I thought you said you never really knew anyone who lived there and they kept to themselves or something?" I remembered her telling me that.

"I just didn't want you scared out of your house or anything or it being my fault you left or something." Clarissa said.

Honestly, she didn't sound too believable but I was too tired from getting woken up to question it any farther. Great, now I don't even know if this house is going to be good enough for me to have my child at and raise him there.

After getting home I remembered I hadn't seen or talked to Grace the passed couple days. Weird, she usually stops by or at least calls. She's probably busy at her house with house work or something. I decided I would call her later that day after I got something in my stomach because I haven't ate yet and I am just starving. 

Three rings and no answer. I decided I was going to walk to her door because she never ignores my calls. I put on my shoes then walked to her door. I knocked a few times then she finally answered. She had a horrified look in her eyes. 

''What's wrong?'' I asked.

''Oh, nothing. Why do you ask?'' Grace asked.

''Well, I can tell when something is up and just the look in your eyes is giving it all away that there is something clearly wrong. We've been friends for how long now?'' I said.

''It's really nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. I just have been busy with you know, house work and choosing how I want my house to be set up.'' Grace said.

''Well, want to come over for supper tonight? I miss you.'' I asked.

''Uh, sure. What  time?'' She asked.

''Around 6:30. So two hours from now.'' I said.

''Alright, see you then.'' She said while closing her door.

    I could tell something was wrong. She never acts like this, I would know considering I've been her friend for a really long time now. She has a scared look in her eyes and I can tell there's something going on but I've known her long enough to know she doesn't like to be questioned a lot and when she doesn't want to talk about something, you're not getting any answers from her. She's quite the stubborn one.

   ''Dinners ready Nathaniel, Grace and Riley should be here soon.'' I called up.

''Alright.'' Nathaniel called down. 


''Hey, I thought you weren't going to make it, but don't worry we didn't start eating without you. Where's Riley? I asked.

"He couldn't make it. He's busy.'' Grace said in a cold tone.

''Oh, uhm.. Alright. Well come sit.'' I said.

    After eating Grace was trying to rush off so I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her back. 

''Grace, we've known each other for a long time. What's going on? It seems like you're neglecting me and just don't want to be around me anymore." I said to Grace feeling my eyes water up.

''Aubrey,  you know I love hanging out with you. I know I can trust you with anything but this is something I really can't say. It'll put Riley and I in danger. I've already said enough already. I've got to go now.'' Grace said rushing out the door. 

Authors note; so something is clearly going on with Grace and Riley. But what? Keep reading to find out. ;)

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