New Town Girl

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"Okay, so I just got a report that we have two suspects in custody right now actually, Grace do you mind if we take your mom to show us if it's either one, don't worry she won't have to face them, they are taking mug shots as we are speaking and your mom just has to pick which one he is or if it's both or neither." Said officer Pete .

"Alright." I said while hugging my mom goodbye.

"I really hope they found the people." I told Riley .

"Me too, but it seems like there's so many of them how do we get them all without someone getting hurt or held hostage again?!" Riley asked.

"I have no idea, I wish I knew, believe me." I said looking down now.

"Don't be sad babe, I didn't mean to upset you. How about this we take your mom out for lunch and then go visit Nathaniel and Aubrey in the hospital." Riley said grabbing my hand.

"Sounds good, we just have to wait for my mom to get out." I responded.

"Hey, they have the guy. I pointed him out and they have him under arrest right now." Said Grace's mom.

"Alright, well that makes me feel a bit better, but Riley had a great idea that we all go out to lunch and then go visit Nathaniel and Aubrey at the hospital for a bit, sound good?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me, where would you two like to eat?" Grace's mom asked.

"It's up to you, I'm good for anything." Riley said.

"How about Wendy's?" Grace's mom asked.

We all agreed to going out to get Wendy's after such an awful day, we all agreed also not to bring up much about what happened but just to note a tiny bit about it because last time not telling caused a huge fight and I really don't want fighting between all of us like before ever again. We finished eating and 15 minutes later arrived at the hospital.

"Hey you guys , how are you all feeling?" I asked.

"We're doing good, what's up? You look like you just finished crying with your eyes all puffy and red nose?" Aubrey responded.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it on the way back to your house. When are you guys released?" I asked Aubrey .

"In half an hour, and uhm alright? you're scaring me .." Aubrey responded.

"Don't worry about it , in the meantime are any of you guys hungry because we brought Wendy's for you all." Riley said.

"Starving , I never went to ever eat hospital good again, it's disgusting." Aubrey responded.

We all ate and then before we knew it we were in our cars headed back for Aubrey's house. I felt so nervous driving behind her down the street just trying to figure out everything I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it when I get out of the car. This isn't going to be easy but I can't back out now, she already knew something is wrong, I mean how couldn't she. She's been my best friend for years , even without the puffy eyes or red nose she would've found out. She's always known when something wasn't right.

We finally arrived back to her house and I just knew instantly when we walk into the door she's going to be questioning everything, and I was right.

"So, what is it?" Aubrey asked.

"Nathaniel, could you bring the baby to the bed quickly." I asked while taking Aubrey to the living room.

"Okay, well you know how you started messaging my mom and everything and then how she started acting all weird, well I went down to her house and knew something wrong was happening, she pretended to tell me to come back later but then she mouthed to me to call the police for help because she's being held hostage, I got to the police station with Riley after making a call to the police, they had people within a little bit and got my mom to identify who it was, my mom pointed out who it was and they put them him locked up." I explained to Aubrey.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay? " Aubrey asked, immidiately turning to my mom.

"Yes, I am fine dear, I am just not in the mood to even go back to my house, it just upsets me how we all moved here thinking it was going to be all okay, a fairytale almost, but this just turned into a whole new nightmare." Said Grace's mom.

"I apologize, I really thought this was a fit place for the all of us, living so close by with all the supposed to be good security, I am sorry I screwed up. You can all blame me, I understand." Nathaniel said running upstairs.

"Nathaniel, don't blame yourself. We don't blame you either, well I don't, I don't care who does because it was worse back there." Aubrey screamed up the stairs chasing after him.

"Mom, you really could've left that part out. I'm sure if he knew it was dangerous he wouldn't have brought us all here, he thought he was doing it for the best after everything happened, not to mention his girlfriend's dad getting murdered and such, he was just trying to help out." I said to my mom.

"I'm sorry, but think about it .. how come she isn't all that upset about her father, never really showed me cared much, and how would we be in all this mess? It obviously has to do with her old love life and now it has to do with all of us and it just isn't fair. I mean was she held hostage?" Grace's mom said.

"MOM, how could you say all that, she's like a daughter and of course she cares her father is gone but do you think she can sit and be all upset and negative when she has a baby, and was pregnant. You have to think of at least some positive, I do understand a lot is happening but please, we don't need to assign blame to anyone because it wont do anything for us, just bring all of us apart too, blaming others wont stop what is going on or change what had happened, we can't live in the past." I explained.

"Live in the past, sweetie are you crazy? It's going on now."  Grace's mom said.

"Okay, I think it's time to go." I suggested.

"Yes, yes it is." Grace's mom said.

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