New Town Girl

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Chapter 57

I'm so bored, Grace is busy today with Riley and Nathaniel is gone to work. I kept thinking of giving Lily a call to see how everything is going but every time i'd go to I'd get distracted by something. I also haven't checked Facebook in a bit but I think that's a good thing for now. I'm going to finally give Lily a call.

After first three rings she had answered.

"Hey Aubrey." She answered. "Hey, I've been meaning to call you but something has always came up. How's everything?" I asked. "Everything is good, I'm actually just been busy house hunting which is why I haven't given you a ring lately either." She responded. "Oh, you should definitely find a house near me, they're beautiful!" I said. "Quite on the expensive side though. I was looking for more cheaper ones." "There are pretty cheap ones around here. My friend's mom recently moved into one of the cheap ones actually." "Oh nice, I'll think about it."she responded.


"Uhm, hold on a second. Sounds like something just smashed upstairs." I said. I walked up the stairs into the nursery room but nothing was moved or broken, walked into my room and nothing was wrong. I walked into the bathroom and still nothing wrong, maybe my minds just going crazy from all the stress and everything I thought to myself and headed back downstairs.

"Sorry, I could've sworn I heard something smash upstairs but nothing was smashed or even moved." I said. "I thought I heard a smash noise come from your phone too! That's weird." Lily said.

Lily had to go right after she said that but that was super strange she heard that too. But, since she heard that and nothing happened in my house maybe it was in her house. My stomach started growling which distracted me from that smashing noise and so I went to go grab something to eat. I decided to make noodles, right as I put the water in the pot on the stove and turned on the burner to boil the water my door bell rang. I rushed off to the door to see my neighbor with a friendly smile drop by.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing, I just came to stop by. I'm quite bored and was wondering if maybe you'd want to do something."

"Oh sure, I'm just making noodles if you'd wanted to come in?"

"Sounds good to me."

I didn't really want to hang with her but I really didn't want to be rude and either way, not like I had anything better to do.

"Want me to make you some also?" I asked.

"Uhm, sure actually."

After the water started to boil I put two packs of noodles in and we both headed off to the living room and turned on some TV. I kept going to check on the noodles until they were done. After finishing , no surprise she started asking about if anything weird was going on. I told her no and we just continued watching television for the rest of the afternoon until Nathaniel had walked in the door.

"I'm home!" Nathaniel called upstairs thinking I was upstairs.

"I'm in here." I called from the living room.

About a half an hour passed of watching television and then we all decided to watch a scary movie, although I wasn't sure that was the best idea for me but I watched it anyway. Ten minutes into the moving another smashing and banging noise came from upstairs. I knew I hadn't just imagined it because everyone also jumped in fright. We all headed for the stairs and looked in every room but still nothing had been broken.

** later that night**

"I'm going to head home, it's getting late."

"Alright, have a good night."

"Nathaniel, I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to go to bed but can you come with me, that horror movie has got me scared." I told Nathaniel while squeezing his hand.

"Alright, I'm going to grab some water and I'll be up in a minute." He told me.

As I was heading upstairs I seen a shadow, after that horror movie I assumed I was just hallucinating or something but I heard foot steps. I was too scared to even check so I screamed for Nathaniel to hurry up. Nathaniel came upstairs shortly after and I stopped hearing noises. I finally got to sleep and then got awoken by a loud thump. Nathaniel was woken up by that too.

"You heard that too?"

Authors note; are you going to find out what or who it was ? Read on to find out.

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