New Town Girl

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            Chapter 28


   Aubrey went to go rest while we waited for the cops. The cops came in around 30-45 minutes after we called. Not wanting to wake up Aubrey considering she looked so peaceful I knew I had to. I woke her up quickly and rushed to the door to answer it. He walked in and then Aubrey came downstairs.

''May you hand me the notes you've been recieving dear, put them in order for me too.'' The policeman asked Aubrey. 

"Yes, one second.'' She responded back to him.  For some odd reason him calling her dear got me a little bit, I never was the jealous type, she really brings out a side of me I never even knew existed.

''Nathaniel can you go get the notes please?'' She asked me while heading for the stairs to grab the ones upstairs meaning I was grabbing the ones that were outside.

"Yes, sure'' I responded. Feeling kind of nervous.

Walking outside to grab the notes from the car I noticed there was a new one, but how.. that means the person is still around, very close actually. I don't know how I'm going to tell Aubrey without stressing her out, she's already going through a lot, making her stress is definitely not a good thing. On my way in I was thinking of what I was going to say, I finally opened the door and came out with it, "Uhm, there's a new note here..'' I hesitated to say. 

Aubrey was just coming downstairs when I said that, turning to her she was going pale, she finally spoke, "What, how?'' she said breathing really heavy and fast. 

"It says, 'cops aren't going to do you any good darling.'' I read out.

The cops imediately took it out of my hands.  I heard a big thump after, turning my head to Aubrey she was on the ground unconsious. She looked so peaceful, as if she was sleeping. She looked so pale though. The police took out his walky talky asking for ambulance imediately. Within five minutes ambulance were here carrying out my beautiful Aubrey. I walked into the back of the ambulance with her, holding her hand gentely I kissed her forehead saying, "everything is going to be alright babe.''  No response at all though, I felt tears cluttering my eyes, I tried to hard to keep them in but couldn't, a few tears trickled down my cheek before I heard the door opening. I wiped them quickly and then jumped out after they took Aubrey out.

Rushing into a room she had some things attached to her. 

3 hours later..

"Sir, she's not waking up and she wont be for probably the rest of the day, there's food downstairs or you can check out then check back in after going somewhere to eat or getting things from your house if you plan to stay the night, depending on if it has to come to that." Said the doctor.

I was so annoyed right now. I just want my beautiful Aubrey to wake up. I didn't want to leave her side incase she woke up, I was getting extremely tired of waiting so I figured maybe a little nap would be good for me and that way when she wakes up I'll be with her and she can just wake me up. 

5 hours later..

All I could hear was Aubrey talking, I thought it was just in my dream though, ''Excuse me, why am I here?'' I heard Aubrey ask. I wasn't even sure if I was still dreaming, but then I heard someone respond saying, ''You passed out earlier and were rushed to the hospital Miss.'' 

I started waking up realizing it wasn't a dream, she was actually awake. I opened my eyes to see her looking at me, right as I finally opene my eyes and riped them a bit stretching from my nap I said, ''You're finally up, oh my goodness.'' 

''Yes, what happened?'' Aubrey asked. 

I was just so happy she's finally awake, I responded ''You just fainted, probably too overwhelmed babe.'' I said, making my smile go away just thinking about what had happened. 

''Oh, well it's not my fault. I can't deal with this.'' She said, almost crying it seemed like.

''No one said you had to baby, it's hard but I'm here. I don't know how I'm going to work and keep you safe also, can Grace spend a few nights at my house watching you?'' I asked, really hoping Grace could because I really need to get started working that way i can have everything ready and bought for when the baby comes, and our own house.

''Can you call and ask?'' She asked me in a tired, sweet tone.  How could I say no ever to this wonderful girl.

She handed me Grace's number and I started dialing it in my phone and calling. After I got off the phone she looked at me with curiostity in her eyes. 

"She said yes and she's on her way to the hospital right now.'' I said to her while holding her hand.

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