New Town Girl

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Wednesday Morning.

"Thanks again Aubrey, I owe you one."

"Not a problem at all." I responded as Lily was heading back to her car after she had dropped off Bryson because starting today I will be babysitting him every monday-thursday's. I'm not complaining though, I'm assuming it's actually going to be really fun. I really love babies and it's a really nice thing of me to be doing considering unlike her I actually have someone to help me out with my kid and so she does need some time to do things that she enjoys because if I ever wanted to do that stuff I know Nathaniel would be there watching the kid everyday. Nathaniel is going back to work again and so it'll just be me and the two little man's because he's working everyday but weekends from 6am-5:30pm.

I started feeding them their bottles . There wasn't much to do considering they're still not big enough to even crawl yet. They're so precious. I'm thankful she had a double stroller handy, but kind of questioned why she had one.

Interrupting my thoughts the door hell rang and I rushed off to it leaving them in their bassinets but when I answered there was no one there. That's strange, I thought to myself. I then noticed a piece of paper sticking out of my mailbox and grabbed it and brought it inside. It read: "I watch you everyday, you still don't know who I am and you probably really thought I was arrested, well thank again my darling, btw don't bother looking to check your camera I already smashed it. How stupid did you think I was?"

I laughed because jokes on him, I had a hiding camera in my spy hole that you can't possibly know is there. I went upstairs to my laptop to bring it downstairs and sit back with the little ones. I opened up my laptop and logged into the camera and went back to about 20 minutes ago. I found it so weird that someone would know when and how to be so quiet coming with it being light outside. They really do study a lot about me. Fast forwarding it I screamed out

"OMG IT CANT BE!!!!" ..

The babies started crying because I yelled so loud.

Authors note; so the person is back but this book will be figuring out everything soon and coming to an end possibly very soon depending how I figure out my ending although I think I got it all planned out. Can you guys guess who it is?

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