New Town Girl

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Chapter 76

The babies finally fell back asleep so I decided to go get my laptop to check the cameras but, just as I was about to the doorbell rang. I was kind of spooked out but then I remembered that Grace said she would be coming by.

"Hey, I'm so glad it's you." I said hugging Grace.

"You seem quite excited to see me." Grace said while giggling.

"You have no idea. I got to show you something btw." I told Grace while giving her the be quiet sign to my lips because the babies are sleeping while pulling her up the stairs.

"Holy, what is it! you're acting like you finally captured the person behind all this terrible stuff.. although they're too clever for that to ever happen. "

"Funny you say that." I said jumpy.

Authors note : short but most filling . Next chapter will be graces POV will be the one continuing this in next chapter which might also be posted today too!

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