New Town Girl

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                       Chapter 49

**Authors note; somehow my chapter 49 got deleted and I don't quite remember it all so i'll be redoing it and well now changing it because I don't remember the other one, sorry for those who already read chapter 49 last time. 

**Grace POV.** 

''Can we go check out the house today? '' I asked Riley.

''Look Grace, I don't think it's a good idea we move.'' Riley said.

''How come? I don't want to let Aubrey down. You know she's going through a lot.'' Grace said.

''You are too, look what just happened to your mom. How can we leave our families down here?'' 

''I am Aubrey's family, she has really no one.'' I said.

''And if you leave your mom who will she have?'' Riley said.

I guess he had a point, but then again maybe there would be somewhere around where our family could move. 

''Riley, what if we find a place around there for our family, besides us just staying down here will only add more people in danger when we can move everyone with the amazing security down there everyone will be safe instead of putting us all indanger staying.'' I said.

''I guess you have a point, but I don't know if my family will exactly agree with it. I'm going to go talk to them and I'll be back, I'll call you when I'm on my way back, but what if we can't even find a house for them down there, we still haven't even tried looking.'' Riley said.

''Well, we can try looking and then you can go talk to them.'' I said.

** Back to Aubrey's POV.**

I listened from the otherside of the door, eavesdropping on Grace and Riley. I know that's kind of low but I really have to find a way to make them move, I really don't want to move again without Grace.

A few hours had past..

''Hey Grace. Can we talk after?'' I said while we all sat at the table with Nathaniel's sisters, mom, Riley, and Nathaniel. 

''Yeah sure.'' Grace said.

We all finished up dinner and then I walked up into one of the rooms with Grace and closed the door.

''Well, I overheard you and Riley talking earlier and..'' Before I could finish Grace interupted.

''Oh , you heard. You know I'm going to try my best to move, I really am.'' Grace said.

''It's not that, which I know you are. But I found a few houses around sort of there, there wasn't any more for sale around us but a couple streets down, maybe 20 minute walk away which is easy to drive through there's a house and a couple more around that area for Riley's family if you wanted to talk to him about that and get them to check them out.'' I said.

''Yeah, I'll talk to him thanks. No sense in leaving our family in this crap hole, or even staying here when it's not any safer for us to stay here with them when that's only putting us indanger too and I know my mom will agree.'' Grace said.

We walked out and she went to talk to Riley and I went to go see Nathaniel.

''What was that about?'' Nathaniel asked.

''Oh, just the move and figuring stuff out.'' I said.

''You sure?'' He asked.

''Yeah of course. What else would it be?'' I said.

''I was just wondering if everything was okay, you didn't seem fine at the table.'' Nathaniel said.

''Oh, just with her mom in the hospital and all I'm kind of stressed.


Authors note; OK so next chapter which I'm starting on now and might be uploaded by tonight will be about if they're moving or not and how everything is going to work out. :) 

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