Forbidden Eternity. (18).

Start from the beginning

A squirrel squeaks next to me making me jump five feet in the air, I glare down at it and it looks at me, as if startled by the fact of finding me here. Stupid squirrel. I eye it boringly, its gray bristly hair on ends as it looks back up at me with glittering black eyes, moving closer and closer to me. What? Aren't squirrels supposed to run away from us? I cock an eyebrow, this one is being unnaturally brave... and aren't they supposed to be hibernating or some shit like that, it being winter.

A bark of laughter brings my eyes back to the hut, and two other men have joined Daniel in the place. Both packing at least fifty pounds more than Daniel in weight, in height they are taller, one taller than the other, but both have the same shape. I imagine they would be serious weight lifters if they were human. They're huge!

One has long dark hair coming to his shoulders, I can't see his face as his back is towards me but he looks just as imposing as his friend, who is slightly turned, facing Daniel and the dark haired one. His hair a shining white blonde, military cut style, and his thick is nose flaring, so he must be sneering at Daniel. Daniel looks positively amused, his face a harsh smile as he looks at the two towering men. Completely at ease.

Man, Daniel must have balls of steel... these guys look scary even from here.

I strain hard, trying to catch what they are saying, their words start coming to me like quiet waves.

"You know... her dead now." The white haired one snarls first, breaking Daniels humorous face into a nasty scowl.

"I don't... her dead... not going... ever." Daniel snaps back, and I frown, still not knowing what they are talking about, and it's pissing me off.

"No choice... already decided, now... we know."

"Well... stubborn... tell her... fuck off." Daniel snarls, and he looks at the dark haired one. "... What the fuck... want... here to talk about her... now leave her alone... answer to me."

"You know... can't do that." The dark haired one snarls right back at him.

"The hell you can't." Daniel roars, loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh... not our... only yourself... blame." The blonde one roars back.

Daniel hesitates for a few seconds, and his mouth moves, but I can't hear a single thing coming from him. The blonde one moves his mouth as well, then no one moves, both Daniel and the blonde one stare at the dark haired one, I'm guessing he is talking now.

"I'm sick of... it's becoming... you know... not long now before the kill."

Daniel looks at the blonde one.

"Don't piss... I know it's... but it isn't going... happen."

"Oh, but... is."

"No, I've had enough of this.... tell her... I'm ready... I will kill..."

"Don't be... fool, she will kill you and..."

"I don't... if I did... protecting her?"

The dark haired one cuts in, "Of course! It's you... we know you."

"You will not... harm her." Daniel growls.

Everything becomes quiet as the men measure each other, a measurement of bravado and pride, each not backing down.

"We will Daniel, you know it will happen, hasn't it already?"

Daniel snaps his head towards the dark haired one again, "Excuse me?"

The blonde one cuts the dark one off with a silencing look. "Nothing." He says, not looking away from the dark one.

"You... tell me now." Daniel says calmly.

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