Roman (Ch.1)

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When I was younger my father would tell me this story. It was about my great grandfather and the war against evil. A hundred ago there were three main kingdoms. The Humans, the Fae, and the Elves. They lived in harmony until the Dark elves took over and attacked. We were forced to end their reign by ending them. Don't be too sad though. Dark elves were evil creatures that shrouded themselves in darkness. They attacked the humans and got what they deserved. You mess with the best and you get slain.

After that, all the other elven tribes scattered to the wind. Most became servants while the others ran and hid. I do kinda feel bad for them. Why should the whole kingdom be reduced to ash because one tribe was evil? I've tried to make the ones I know a little happier but... There is only so much that even a prince can do from inside the castle walls.

"Prince Roman, the king has requested your appearance." I sighed, closing my journal, and looked over to find Maya standing there with a cup of coffee. I smiled grabbing it from her as we made our way to my father's office. Maya is one of the elves that stayed and became a servant. She is also one of my best friends. We get to my father's office and I see him talking to two other people. A fairy and an Arcane... Great, what do they want?

The fairy had blonde curly hair and freckles. He was wearing a light blue robe with a transparent grey cloak, and his eyes were a bright baby blue. His wings glittered and shined, making the world around them seem so much more alive. The Arcane was wearing the typical scholarly attire. What with the dark blue shirt, black pants, and a cool grey cloak. His dark brown hair poking past the hood as he fixed the position of his glasses.

The Arcane looked over at me, noticing I was there and sighed, straightening the tie he had hidden below the cloak. I shook myself from my thoughts and thanked Maya for the escort, before taking my place beside my father.

"Father, you asked for me?" My father turned around beaming with joy. I couldn't help but smile. He hasn't really smiled like that since mother died.  

"Roman, my son, I would love to introduce you to a few friends of mine." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in closer to the group. " This is King Patton Sanders of the fae kingdom and his husband Logan Sanders. I invited them here for your birthday party, I hope that it's alright."

"Thomas, you didn't even tell the poor kid you had invited us?" Patton's wings fluttered in confusion as Logan grabbed his hand. I didn't even know fairies could marry humans, or well anything other than a fairy for that matter. Patton looked over at me and smiled. "Aw well, it's a bit late now to dwell over it. Besides I'm sure he and my son will get along great."

"You have a son?" I asked in shock. Dad looked over at me with a stern look but I could tell he was just as confused. I would think that if the Fairy King had a son there would be talk of it right? After all, he would be the heir to the Fae kingdom. Unless...

"Oh, I know. Maybe we could bring him to..."

"Patton!" Logan snapped, drawing Patton out of his frenzy of exitement. "We should not expect him to be ok with any plans being made." I saw as Patton frowned and Logan sighed. "I'm not saying he won't agree. I'm saying we should ask him first. He wasn't too happy being brought along in the first place."I turned just in time to see Erik peaking up through the window. He began gesturing like crazy and I had to stiffle a laugh.

"Father is it alright if I go now. I'm sure there will be plenty more time for me to get to know the Kings." My father laughed and Patton smiled widely. He nodded and I raced out the door before he could say another word.  My party is in a few hours. I wonder what King Patton's son is like.

*Discontinued* CursedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum