Forbidden Eternity. (17).

Start from the beginning

"Sorry boy, you can't come." He looks up at me and huffs, walking away towards my bed and lying with a heavy thump down onto it, I swear that dog can understand what I'm saying, which is unbelievably creepy.

"You ready?" Daniel draws my gaze back to his and I nod, he holds out his hand to me and turns around, I pounce onto his back, this time keeping my eyes open. He flings the window open in one lithely move and jumps out with such speed I can't see anything, when I feel the jolt as we land on the floor I stumble back falling onto my arse.

"Damn it; be a little bit gentler!" I curse and rub my bum. He helps me up and I glare at his now chuckling face.

"Don't strangle me then."

I flip him off as to which he chuckles at.

"Where are we going then?" I stuff my hands into my pockets and walk beside him, heading to the wall, something tells me this isn't allowable here.

"Newcastle, it will take us about half an hour on foot to get there."

"Newcastle?!" I ask bewildered, I knew we were up north somewhere, but I didn't realise the school was near Newcastle.

"Yeah, we're in between Carlisle and Newcastle."

"Oh." Well don't I feel stupid now, so far away from London. I was sorta hoping that maybe they pretended to take me away from London and just flew around the place for a while. Damn.

"What's wrong?"

"What?" I look up at him.

"You look upset..."

"I'm fine." I nod towards the now visible wall. "How we doing this?" We stop at the bottom and I place my hands on my hips, never mind the fact that I wouldn't be able to climb this wall anyway, but snow as well? I may as well give up now and take my sorry arse home.


"Climb?! I can't climb that."

"I can." He shrugs and walks over to it; I follow like a lost puppy.

"Can you help me?"

He looks over his shoulder at me clearly irritated, "Fine." He grunts and throws me over his shoulder, his hand resting on my arse - Heat pounding my bottom - as I stare at his unashamed.

"Hand. Off. Arse." I say calmly, he moves so his hands resting just below it. I sigh loudly. Not exactly better but it will have to do.

"What happened to the piggy back!" I wail and I feel him shrug.

"I can't be arsed to be chivalry, I'm already late."

In a blur of colours he is standing on top of the wall and I look down woozily. Being upside down and looking over an 18 foot wall does that to you.

"Are you going to be sick?" Daniel asks, still standing on the wall. I wouldn't if he would just jump down and we were safely back on the ground!

"I don't know!"

"Please don't be." His legs bend and with a lively spring we are on the ground and miraculously unscathed. He sets me down in front of him and keeps a hand on my waist for slightly too long, not that I minded.

"Which way now?" I ask, breathless. I grit my teeth, annoyed at how easily he affects me. When did I become so... damsel like? His hand leaves my waist and he points behind me. Oh, so we're going through the... creepy woods. Great. I turn around with much more exuberance then I would have thought necessary and march off in the direction Daniel pointed out, my confidence diminishing with each step deeper into the place. There is an odd haze to the wintry forest, and it is making me nauseous, the sooner we get out of here the better. Branches snap beneath me, but are muffled by the snow. Only a few of them poking out of the surface. The tree's are leafless and their branches form witch like fingers above us, while the pine tree's still stand in their magnificence, shining green and white. I hear Daniel's feet softly crunching into the snow, unlike my heavy clomps. He quickly catches up to me and walks by my side, slightly ahead so I am now following his lead. I step forwards just enough so I'm in front of him. I don't follow people, I never have, I always prefer to lead. Obviously Daniel does to because he steps in front of me again with a low growl deep in his chest. It must just be me, but I have noticed most men, Vampires in particular, like to be dominant, like an alpha per say. The head of their followers, and in this case, I am Daniels follower. The hell I am. I grab his arm and pull him backwards, sliding my way in front of him with a stubborn pout. He stops short and I turn to see him examining me with a curious gaze. Then he rears up again and with one lengthy stride, passes me so he is now in front. I step in front of him again and glare at him. He glares back and stomps in front of me.

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