"Odd numbers kinda bothers me! I don't know why, it just does. That's really weird isn't?" Daniel asks as he giggles.

"No! A lot of people are like that actually! I'm not though. I don't want you guys to think we are having another baby to just even it up! It's not that at all. We really love our big family and having one more isn't that big of a deal. Our house is very big and we have the space if we choose to have another baby." Joey says as Eden coos again.

"To be honest, we have the needs to have thirty kids if we want! Obviously we wouldn't have thirty kids, that's insane. Joey and I are just very open to having one more but we don't know when! But you guys will know when it happens!" Daniel says as Eden looks at her Papa.

"Eden's pregnancy was pretty easy on me! I didn't have any issues except I was tired during it. But honestly I was tired in my other pregnancies too so that isn't a big deal. Her birth was very smooth too." Joey says, handing Eden to Daniel to hold.

"I know y'all are gonna be SHOOK after the answer of that question! I can't wait to see your responses on Twitter." Daniel says as he bounces Eden making her smile.

• It is so cool that you named your youngest after your book series! Do you see Eden having them personality as any of the characters?
"A lot of people were very shocked and surprised when we announced Eden's name as Eden! A lot of you were like oh did you name her after the books? And no, we didn't actually! We actually saw the Eden sign in Hawaii and I told Daniel that Eden would be such a beautiful name for a baby girl! But we didn't end up using the name and I used the name Eden for my book series! Then I became pregnant and it was a girl so we used the name Eden!" Joey says as Daniel nods in agreement.

"And for the second question, I don't know! She's only two months old, so she is still kinda like a newborn. But she loves to be held, she loves the dogs, they love to sniff her and sit with her. She loves her little teddy bear that Joey's sister Nicole got her. She holds it all the time! I think Eden is going to be a sweetheart and an animal lover." Daniel says happily.

"The bear is in the washer actually because somebody tried to play with it. I wonder who it was? Hmmm. Their name rhymes with Ark!" Joey says as he and Daniel giggle.

• How are Wolf, Storm and Lark doing? We hardly see them in the vlogs anymore?
"They are still here with us, don't worry! They are always outside because they LOVE the new backyard we have! They love to run around and the kids love to play with them outside. Lark still goes to dog training and she is doing very well! Wolf and Storm are just being themselves, hanging out and annoying each other." Daniel says as he rubs Eden's back and kisses her forehead.

"Wolf, Storm and Lark went to the dog sitter a few weeks backs when we went to the beach and they had a lot of fun!" Joey says as Eden yawns.

"Eden is almost ready for her nap. She's getting cuddly." Daniel says as Eden lays her head on Daniel's shoulder.

• How do you guys manage to keep your love life and bond strong between you two when you are constantly taking care of the kids and working?
"Lots of date nights! We are so blessed to have Daniel's mom Maria living with us so she helps us out a lot and baby sits for us!" Joey says as he fixes Eden's hair bow.

"Obviously our love life is fantastic because we have seven children!" Daniel says with sass making Joey laugh loudly.

"We always make sure when the kids are in bed for the night that we talk to each other about anything and everything. Communication is very important to us. We also work together, so we go on work trips together or film videos together. So we are always together." Daniel says as he rubs Eden's back.

"Our relationship has been very strong and we want our kids to see what a strong relationship looks like. My parents divorced when I was young and it wasn't a healthy relationship due to her alcoholism. Even with my stepdad, that relationship in the beginning wasn't healthy because of her addiction." Joey says as he fixes his hair.

"My parent's relationship wasn't healthy at all. Very very abusive." Daniel says with a slight frown.

"That's why Daniel and I make sure that the kids see a healthy, loving relationship and we have done a great job." Joey says as he kisses Daniel.

Daniel smiles as he rubs Eden's back and she is fast asleep.

• How is it having Maria around for the kids and yourselves all the time?
"It is really great! It is always nice to have another adult to help us out! We are outnumbered by the kids and the dogs, so another adult is always helpful!" Joey says as he chuckles.

"I love having my mom here and living with us! Our relationship now is a thousand percent better when it was when I was a teenager. It was horrible especially because of my dad. But, my mom and I are very close and I'm happy to have repaired our relationship." Daniel says as Joey smiles ear to ear.

"Maria loves being with her grandbabies! She spoils them ROTTEN! But Maria goes to Massachusetts a few times a year to visit Daniel's nephew Luca. Because he needs Nonna love too! The kids love having their Nonna living with us, they think it's so cool. She always wants to help out anyway she can and we appreciate it very very much! She loves to do laundry, she loves to cook dinner and breakfast for us!" Joey says with a grin.

"My mom always makes sure our house is clean and spotless. She just loves to help us and I appreciate her so so much." Daniel says as Joey smiles at Eden.

"Eden finally fell asleep! Yay!" Joey whispers and Daniel gives the camera a thumbs up.

Then you can hear the kids running up the steps. Haven opens the door and she, Luna and Maxwell run into the the filming room.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Joey asks Maxwell, Luna and Haven.

Haven and Maxwell wave at the camera while Luna climbs onto Joey's lap.

"Daddy! Papa! Nonna wants you guys to come outside and pway!" Luna says to Daniel and Joey.

"We are coming! Let us finish filming the video and then we will come out. Okay?" Daniel says to the kids.

"Okay!" Maxwell, Haven and Luna say as they run out of the filming room.

"Well, our kids want us to play outside with them! It is a beautiful day out today and it isn't a thousand degrees out. That is all the questions I have for us to answer today! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Vlogs will be coming everyday this week so get ready for lots of fun! We love you guys and we will see you in our next video! Bye!" Joey says as he waves goodbye.

"Bye guy! See you next time!" Daniel says in a whisper as Eden continues to sleep on him.

Daniel, Joey and Eden go outside to play with Luna, River, Maxwell, Haven, Everett and Aspen! :)

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