The Value Of The Dollar

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It's green,

It's Disgusting,

But the world runs on it,

So it must be worth something.

But is it so mighty?

Just put it in water,

See how long it lasts,

We're beginning to falter.

What you see of value,

I see paper and ink,

And unfortunately without it,

We'll all begin to sink.

But did you ever stop and think,

What we would be like without it,

I would be happy,

Though you honestly doubt it.

Maybe you would put a different value to life,

Appreciate things more,

Get rid of the trends,

and do the things we did before.

Integrity, Happiness, and Respect,

ever hear of it?

You think that runs on the dollar!

My how this world is turning to shit.

What you see of value:






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