Because He'll Never Know

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It's hard to describe it,

The emptiness I feel,

It's as if you've been hit,

By something that isn't real.

I was there for the worst,

Waiting for you to come back,

With this love I am cursed,

And I'm under attack.

Because when you left things suddenly changed,

My mind was unhinged while my heart was in pain,

My world is rearranged,

As I struggle with these chains.

There is no want or need,

For food nor water,

Even if it's like birdseed,

This disease has got her.

The day is a fog, cold and dark,

My nights a nightmare,

As I cry myself to sleep in the dark,

I wonder if you care.

Because as you're strong and ok,

I am not,

As I wither away during the day,

And by night I'm close to forgotten.

But if I died how would you feel?

Would you even miss me?

Or know how to deal?

As I think of the lost promises that could be.

Because though you once cared,

You don't know how much I did,

The impact of those moments we shared,

You made me feel like I wasn't some kid.

Did you know that while you were away,

I missed you back here,

I would wear your necklace,

To make you feel near?

Because now I can't take it off,

Even though you left,

Because I'm so lost,

After my heart encountered a theft.

Because I love you everyday,

Even when you hurt me,

In any kind of way,

I'll still be here wait and see.

If only you knew this pain I feel,

After the faded bliss,

Maybe you would know it was real,

If only you knew this.

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