first date - b.a

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you & brandon are best friends. you knew you loved him more than just best friends, but you weren't sure if he felt the same. so you didn't say anything. until, valentine's day came. you had never had a valentine and neither had brandon, so this year, brandon wanted to make it special

brandon came over to your house to hang out. he then texts you "hey! i have a question for you"
zion mumbled as he was the ride and came into the house with brandon, due to nervous brandon's request. he giggled "can i get an answer"
you rolled your eyes used to zion and what he's like, then looked at brandon, "everything okay?"
brandon nods "yeah, always is. but i ah. can we. can we. i ah it's a warm day and i was thinking maybe we could go on a date? like at the beach?"

you weren't 100% sure where this was coming from. but since you know him like the palm of your hand, nothing crossed your mind to say no, so you smiled "yeah! i wouldn't mind that"
zion mumbles "would you minddd"
you giggled "wouldn't mind getting away from this dude"
brandon smiled "let's get ready and go!"

then you started to walk into the water with brandon. considering y'all have been friends for years, he doesn't know you're scared of the water. so, you were hesitant. brandon being brandon, just couldn't wait

before you knew it he picked you up and ran you out into the water with him, you immediately panic "BRANDON"
this causes brandon to giggle "hey calm down. i've got you"
you ignore the fact he was laughing but her a sweat sigh of relief when he says that he's got hold of you

y'all then play around in the water for a good few hours, splashing each other but as y'all were getting out of the water hand in hand, brandon looks at you "i like you y/n. i always have. & that's more than a friend"
you smile from ear to ear "i like you too b! also more than a friend "

after that y'all head back home.

turns out. it wasn't a bad first date with your best friend, who in fact turned out to like you in a boyfriend/girlfriend way too

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