Chapter 60: Birthday Surprise

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"What's going on here!?"
Aron's face popped up out from the bushes and I flinched, along did Terra.

"I um..."
I had no words to describe what just happened. What was about to happen anyways.

I stand up and Terra does as well.
"You little-"
Aron then punches me and I fall to the grass.

"Dad stop!"

"He is 3 years older than you!"
He then pulls me up by the collar.

''Basically you are still a baby. Which makes this worse. What the hell man!"
He hits me once more.

"Dad seriously! Calm down!"

"What is going on here did you find them?" It was Venus.

I smiled at that and she saw what was happening. "Mom, dad won't let me kiss whoever I want!"

"Not true. I don't care as long as it is not him."

"Why not?!"

"Because I don't want you apart of this world!"
He drops me by his left hand and I fall on my buttox.

"Like it or not dad but I already am. My powers are what make me who I am. Evil."
She then walks off and I stare as she fade away in the distance.

"Come on Aron."
Said Venus with her hands on her hips.

"This is his fault he was going to kiss her-"

Venus cut him off. ''No! This is about you being paranoid, and controlling, and most of all bossy! A father let's his daughter make her own mistakes. When she does, she will know who to come talk to. The person who told her it was wrong to do in the first place."
Her voice became softer.

"Your right it's just- I got a little out of control."

"I should go."
I said standing up, and wiping the dirt off my back.

"You stay away from her. She comes to you stay away."

I didn't say anything but walk away.

Maybe he was right. I should stay away from her to save her from heartbreak.

Because that is all I am gonna give her if she finds the truth of me. The life I live and how I used to live.
Everything seems to fall apart once it comes to me trying to have a happy and normal life.

With Aron he turned his life around. He is worse than me to it is sad.

I have no idea who I am anymore. I don't know what I can even be used to in this lifetime.

"Hey, psst!"
I turn my head and see Terra hiding behind a tree.

"Come here." She whispered.

I walk over and hide with her. "Yeah?"

"Wanna go for a walk?"
I nodded and I had an idea.

"Take my hand. I wanna show you something."
She nervously takes my hand and holds it. ''Your so warm."

"Part of being warm blooded, and a werwolf."
She laughs and smiles showing perfectly good straight teeth.

"Come on."
She follows me and I bring her to the garden behind my old territory. Before my father was killed.

Flowers bloomed everywhere in the garden where me and the pack planted and she smiled as she gasped at how amazing and beautiful it was.

She walked around touching each flower one finger at a time. "Did you do this?"

"Well...yeah." I said smirking.

"It- it's beautiful."
She stares at me and I walk over to her. "There's a apple tree as well. Be right back." I ran over to the tree and picked the right apple for her.

Then came back and polished it with my shirt.

She looks at me smiling in a line. "Your so sweet. Why are you so nice to me?"
She began to evolve tears in her eyes.

Then I moved closer to her. ''You deserve to be happy. To have someone be nice to you. "

She giggled and looks away trying to hide the tears in her eyes. "I wish you weren't."

"I know."
We both laughed at that.

Then I handed her the apple while both our hands caressed for a brief moment. She take it as I said, "Happy birthday Terra."

She then smiled and fireflies began to fly around us as she looks around and smiles even more. "Nobody's ever done this for me before."

"Well then, now you do."

She stares at me and I can't help but smile still. "They always come out at this time."

"The fireflies? They are so magical."
I watch her as she moves close to me.

"Your...So great."

I then lean in as I wrap my arms around her waist and I kiss her.
I pull her in more to deepen the kiss and she kisses back as she drops the apple.

Then I felt like the whole world as we know it was gone and it was just me and her. Always, just her.

Then she pulled away as sparks flied all around us. "That was my first kiss. I never felt this way before towards a stranger."

"Me neither."
I said softly as we breathed heavely and I kissed her again.

That is when I knew who this woman was. She was my soulmate.

She was my mate...


This may be the cutest chapter I have ever written. Lol.


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