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Before you read:

*Copyright©2017 all rights reserved

*I sometimes don't have time to publish new things so I hope you all understand that. My days I mostly publish are THURSDAYS, TUESDAYS, and FRIDAYS.

*I hope you all enjoy this and I will keep you guys updated. Bye!


M: Hey I am happy you guys are loving this book so far and encouraging me through it. You guys are why I'm still writing stories on Wattpad and I don't care about the fame or the ranks. Even if I see one person read my story, I think that would be good enough to make a smile on my face. What I'm trying to say is thanks to all my followers, readers, and voters who have stayed with me since the first full moon. I love ya. P.s, criticism on my book is good so I know if it's bad or not and I can fix anything that might not be so interesting. THANKS♡♡♡


I had a weird dream again. I was with my father and this girl. She was probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. The way she laughed made you laugh and her smile made you want to smile.

Her eyes were the darkest shade of green and how different this girl was from others just made me want her even more. I need to know her, I want to know her.

I find myself battling the biggest threat I could find. The beast. Then sooner or later I become Alpha. Or just die.

"Nooo!" She screamed as she watched me fall to the ground with a bloody wound in my shoulder. It was a bite mark.

Who attacked me?


"Seth wake up." I open my eyes to see my friend Mason hovering over me.
I sat straight up in bed almost punching him in the face on accident.

"Dude chill. Wake up there's a meeting your father wants you to attend."

"Fine" I wiped the swet off my face and looked at Mason as I sat up in bed.

Before I knew it, a few minutes pass and I'm running out of my room to see my father make a speech.

"Welcome, it's a new year for us all. I hope you all can appreciate my son who is soon to be alpha and will be taking over this place. Just want everyone to know we are celebrating a strong leaders full moon."

Mason comes up behind me. "Your dad seems to be in a good mood today."

"Yeah for now."

"You ready to head out for school?"
Mason asked.

I took one last glance at my father and looked back at my friend Mason. "Yeah let's go."


Dear mom,

I miss you still. Dad's thinking about marrying Lexi. I am not ready for that yet, to have someone replace you because I know nobody will ever.
If I am not ready, doesn't that mean he shouldn't be either? Its been 2 years since your passing, since the car accident.

I still feel guilty. I still feel as if I just killed you myself, I should have died and you would be living.
But I learned life is not fair, it makes you pay the price for the mistakes you make or its just there's consequences for everything.
I love you.

~Sincerely, your daughter Venus.

I close my journal and sit down on my bed. I look over to see a box on my desk that looked like a jewelry box but it wasn't. It had beautiful carving on both sides of it. I traced my fingers on it as I held it in my hands.

I sat back down on my bed and took the box with me. I never seen this before.

I open it to see the first thing that caught my attention. A letter.
I open it up and see its from my mom to me.

Dear my daughter,

I don't have much time and if your reading this letter I'm probably already dead. I have to tell you something that you never knew, I didn't Just randomly die in the crash someone made sure I was the only one who died. Some one was after me and they are coming after you next, your stronger than you think my Venus. You have witch power running through your veins. Use it wisely and learn more from it with the amulet in the box that has all the power that can protect you from any evil. The amulet is a shield for any witch. I love you my daughter and wish I was there to teach you about the techniques of being a witch. Good luck.

~Love mom.

I was crying in sorrow and crying in shock. I never was told about this letter or that I am a witch. I pick up the amulet and put it around my neck.
The second I put it on it started glowing all kinds of colors.
I wiped my face and look up to see a human figure.

It was next to me and I got to get a good look at the face, the person was so bright. I notice the person is my mother.


"Honey I love you" she said.

"Mom!" I said crying.

"I know I know my child, you're ready. I will be watching you and always I will never leave you even when you don't know it."

"Mom what d-do I do next?"

"Thats up to you. Follow your heart."

Then she dissapears into thin air.



So I am editing this book, because I made a few mistakes in grammar if you have noticed. Only the fist few chapters though. Bc, the older ones are ok. Thanks! Don't forget to comment.


First Full Moon~#1✔[EDITING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ