Chapter 41: Losing My Mind

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I hung up on the phone and then turned around to face Aron.
"What did you do huh?! WHAT DID YOU DO!"

"I killed her."

I jumped on top of him and he throws me against the tree next to me. I get on my feet again and claw at him but it was no use. Aron was always the better fighter.

"Stop it Seth! Try to test me like that again and next time there won't be any chance for you to hit me. I'll make sure of it. You and I both know I was always stronger than you."

Aron let go of me and I just stared at him with tears. "I can't belive you!"

"Oh I know. Isn't it great!"

"Your a monster!"

"Oh and your not. Sadly I have no reason to believe your words are not true because they are. Have you thought about what I have said though?"

"What are you talking about?"

"How you are just as bad as me. Plus letting Venus go was a good idea considering she was right. You wouldn't be able to give her a future, kids, a life she dreamed of. Deep down she still and will always hate you for it."

I listened to my brothers words as they crushed me from the inside out. He was right though.

She was right.

"What about you huh? You have no reason to give her anything more. You can't your just like me!"

"True and then again I don't care."

"Your lying. I can see it in your eyes Aron you feel for her you have since the moment you laid eyes on her."


"No because I am trying to have faith because Venus still has faith in you. I am trying Aron!"

"I said stop!!!"
He then begins to lift me up the ground with one hand and choking the life out of me.

"Aron stop!"
Venus interfeared. Then I saw it, I saw the faith Venus had in him run past his eyes.

It was a little flicker of humanity.

"Venus get out of here!"


"Get out of here!"


"Dangit Venus! Just leave!" He sets me down and yanks his hand into my chest searching for my heart.

"No Aron stop it!!! Think about it he is your brother!"

"...I have to."

"No you don't! I still see the Aron I fell for, the one I was friends with as soon as I met eyes with at my moms funeral. That is the Aron who I care for not this! This isn't you!"

"That's where your wrong Venus. This is me."

"Wait sto-" she then collapsed before she could finish her sentence. "Venus? VENUS!!!"
Aron let go of me and ran to Venus's side.

"Venus wake up!!"

Then her eye lids flopped open and they turned a dark green to a dark black. "Hi Aron."

"Oh Venus you scared me."

"I know" she then stabbed him in the stomach with a broken branch nearby. "Ahh! My flipping man that hurts!"

"Bye boys! Hahaha!"

She then ran off and I was confused out of my mind. "That wasn't Venus. Right?"

"That was her. It was just her darkest self, her alter ego I think."

"You think?"

"There were concaquences for saving another soul and that came along with making a witch being unfree of hers. This...this is all my fault."

"Let's go get her."

"Right behind ya."


I woke up with machines and IV's hooked up to me. "Oh what happened?"

"Eli? Oh doctor!!!" It sounded like Alison. She was bringing in the nurse and doctor and hurried back to my side.

''Can you hear me? It's gonna be ok, everything will be ok."

"Seth? Venus?"

"They will be here soon ok just relax baby. I'm sorry. Let's not ever fight again, I...I think I may love you."

I look into her eyes her gorgeous blue eyes and kiss her. She helps by bending down and pulls away.

"I love you too."

"He seems ok but he needs to stay overnight for a check up. Then tomorrow he's free."

She then leaves along with the nurses.

I look at Ali. "What happened?"

"You tell me."

"You been in a coma for the past few weeks."
I run my fingers through my hair with shock.

"People are saying you just walked in the street. What is up?"

"I had alot on my mind I wasn't thinking."
She sighs and looks at me like I was stupid.

"You need to be careful. I love you ok and I don't want to loose you. Not again."

"You won't."


Updating a lot lately lol. Here's the next chapter and hope that you enjoy it!!!

First Full Moon~#1✔[EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant