Chapter 45: My Truth

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"Aron?" I called and he picked up and answered.

"Yes where are you?"

"I'm at home why?"
I sighed, "Can't find her."

"I did."


"Yes she is fine. She came back Seth, I brought her back."
I smiled and sighed in relief.

"Wait. What did you mean you brought her back?"

"I just did."


He hung up on me.

"Oh Aron!"
I turned my phone off and put in in my back pocket. I'm so happy she is alright.

That voice sounded familiar and I knew it to well. Mason.

"Well well well. If it isn't Mr. Betray my best friend himself."

"I am here to apologize."

"Oh really? And what are you apologizing for?"

He knelt down on his knees in front of me. "Like you said, betrayal. I am sorry for that."

"Why should I give you out of all people another chance. It is like I can't trust anyone am I right?"

"Please sir, oh I mean Alpha. I beg of you."

"...Don't dare try to back stab me again. Or else," I held a knife out from my back pocket. I held it up to his neck.

"I will kill you. Friend."
He then jumps to his feet and thanks me. He runs off and I walk home to just have my mind elsewhere.


I can't help but wonder what she is doing. So I went to her hotel room instead.

Before I could knock, as if she sensed me she opened the door to face me. In surprise of my attendence she flinched.

"Seth!? Wa-wa-w-what are you doing here?" She then flew herself on me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wanted to kiss her oh how much I wanted to.

She pulled away and I set her down.
"So why are you here Seth?"

She asked the obvious question and I was wondering the same thing. Why was I here? What am I doing?


I realized I hadn't answered and had to give an answer. The only good answer that I could give was the truth.


He was spacing out so I said something. "Seth?"

He looks at me. "Yeah, I'm sorry."
He takes my hand and we sit down up against the hotel hallway wall. On each opposite sides I looked and waited.

He sighs deeply before speaking.
"I miss you Venus, so much."

"Oh I see." I already knew where this was gonna go. I would have to tell him the truth in order to be with him again. But do I want to?

"Please just- let me say something before you make your mind up. Let me have at least this moment to cherish."

I didn't speak instead I let him.

"I want to give us another shot. You say there is no future but I think wrong, I think we can have a future even if it isn't the one you pictured when you where 5 or 6 years old. I want to be with you."
He scooted over to me and was on my side.

He carressed my cheek slowly and I felt...nothing. "You can speak now." He chuckled and I smiled.

I took his hand and removed it from my cheek. Then frowned. "No."

"Why?" He asked in surprise.

"Us being apart made me realize something I never thought was possible. You made my life what it is now, I thank you for that. Thank you Seth for meeting me and just bothering me period." I laughed at that, "But I can't be with you."

"I have to know why is it me? What is it?" He was worried he did something when he didn't do anything but save my life and help make my dreams come true.

"Because I love Aron."

He froze.

"I think I always have and just never wanted to see that. I just needed you to hear that, hear the truth."
I lean in slowly to his frozened and stiff body and gave him a kiss.

Then pulled away wiping my tears and his. "Goodbye Seth."

I then stood up and went inside my room to just feel nothing but his pain. I didn't feel guilty at all, because why should I feel guilty for loving an immortal...


If there are any errors please comment and tell me. Thanks I would love to hear all of your guy's opinions!!!

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