Chapter 30: Saying Goodbye

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"You betrayed me!" She waved her hand up and I flew up against the wall. I grunted in pain and tried getting back to my feet.

"Your soul belongs to me now remember. So you will either live in my hell or die in yours." She said while walking towards me with so much anger.

"Tell anyone and I will make sure your no longer are a problem." She then grabbed me by the collar and her other free hand full of the elements.

"You know being in my daughters body is amazing. Having this much power I could kill you. I wonder why she hasn't killed anyone of you yet."
I pushed her off of me and then I hear someone calling us back into the living room.

It was Mason.

"Watch your back." She said pointing her finger at me and then ran in the living room. I followed behind to find Seth shaking like crazy and ripping his shirt open to try and control his wolf.

''Ahh!!! What is happening!!!"

"Seth calm down. What is about to happen will be the most excruciating pain you will ever feel."
He breathed heavily rapidly and nodded at Mason. "I will be with you every step just trust me. Trust my word."

He held his hand out to Seth and Seth hesitated for a second just a second, then took it. "I trust you."
They both exchanged smiles and the transformation continued.

Then in the corner of my eye I see Elizabeth fall to the floor and her eyes closed and reopen to be a panicking Venus.

"Where am I?! What happened to me!" She stood up and I helped her keep her balance. "It is alright ok shhh." She looked at me and then down at Seth.

I brought her into the kitchen and hugged her to death. "I don't have much time. She wants to make herself permanent in my body. I'm scared Aron I'm so scared." She said crying out those last words.

I pull away to meet her green eyes. I cup her face into my hands and she locks eyes with me. "Listen to me. I will never leave you again."

"You lied before you wi-"

"No." I cut her off and continued, "I lied to protect you. I guess I was doing an awful job at doing it. But I promise you that this time is gonna be different, I will always keep you near me even when it is your mother speaking through. I will fix this because I love you."

She cries more and shakes her head trying to speak over me but I wouldn't let her. "Listen Venus, I am going to do something and you will not like it. But can you just promise me..." I sniffled and held back a few tears that were about to leave my eyes. Then I looked back down at her still cupping her face.

"Can you promise me something?"
She nodded like she was unable to speak. But I knew she was listening.

"Tell Seth that I tried. Tell him that everything I did was for him and for you. That everything that is about to happen is gonna change and that it is ok because your safe. You guys will be lost but don't ever forget I love you all."

"Tell him yourself, this isn't goodbye." She said holding her hand up to mine that cupped her cheeks.

"But for you. I need to say that I know you will never love me the same way you do with Seth, just know that I will always love you. I need to end this."
I lean down to kiss her forehead and then I pull away from her grasp. "Aron. What are you doing?"

"I will see you again. But not in this world." I then run backwards to the living room and see a full wolf formed Seth. "Shh it is ok buddy." I held my hand out to him and he sniffs it.

"Thats it." He then licks the tear that dropped from my eye. "I am here Seth. Your my brother."

He shifts back to human form and I quickly take my coat off and wrap it around him. He looks at me and smiles. "Aron?"

"Welcome back man."

"Well Aron bravo. Doing well so far and I will have to say you have obeyed me well so far."

It was Elizabeth.

I stand to my feet and clench my fists.
"This ends today Elizabeth."

"You know what it does. You can just die and go straight to hell. I won't need you or have problems from you anymore."

"So then do it."
I said in a angry voice.

"I still do need you Aron. I want your powers." She smirks at me and I shake my head at her.
"Vex!" I said and her knee snaps in a split second.

She falls on her back and laughs. ''Are you challenging me?"

"What if I am?"

"Aron what are y-"

"Be quite!" I said turning to yell at Seth.
But he gave me a look that said he didn't like this one bit.

"Because Aron, you would never hurt Venus. As long as I am in her body."
She laughs evily and I then put both my palms out toward her and start chanting.

"You...can't" she said trying to speak, trying to breathe. But I was killing her conscious. "Get out of her!!!"

"Aron no! It will kill you your using to much magic!" yelled Seth as he tried so badly and wanted to stop this. I guess he knew there was no way he would be able to.

I turn to look at him. "I have to."

Then I turn back to Elizabeth and use all the spells I knew and all my strength and magic on her. Then when she became tired and was unable to speak I stopped. I didn't want to kill Venus.

Venus fell to the ground.
Seth ran over by her side and she woke up herself. "Seth!" She hugged him throwing her arms around him.

I smiled and collapsed.

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Sorry about not updating lately. I been so busy with my Physical therapy and stuff. love you all.

PS I wanna tag my best friend Austin in because he is choosing to read this and give it a shot. hope he likes it lol. TrentB03 Follow him.

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