Chapter 49: Sick

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  I woke up with Aron's arms around me. I smiled at him. He looks at me I see his tired eyes.

"Good morning."
He moans in annoyance of the sunrise beeming in his eyes.

"Hi there stranger."
I giggled and he kissed my forehead.

"Last night was amazing."

"It was." He said and I layed my head against his chest.

"I have to go."
He began getting up and out of my bed.

"No why?" He smiles.

"Because I have 10 missed calls from my fake brother.

  I watch him as he gets ready and pulls his clothes on.
"He still is your brother. He just isn't your blood."
He frowns and looks down at his hands.

"I guess your right. But can I ever trust him again?"

I didn't answer.

"I will have to see what he wants. Love you."

  He gives me a quick kiss and then leaves before I could say it back.

"I love you too."
I said sadly.

  I wanted to stay with him in my bed for days. I guess that's not gonna happen.

  I got out of bed pulling up my shorts. Then I put my bra on and wasn't even able to put a shirt on because of my nausea hitting me like a dust of wind.

  I ran to the toilet and knelt down on my knees. I threw up so much puke I felt like crap.

"Oh great. I'm sick."

  I didn't want to leave the toilet. I felt like more was gonna come up. I threw a random shirt on and brushed my teeth immediately after that gross incident.

  I then felt nauseous the rest of the day after that. I happened to stay in my bed all day and didn't bother to get out of it. Unless if it was me running for the toilet to puke guts up.

  I only heard from Aron once, and Seth was ignoring me. I wondered what was going on and how everything was going. So me being myself I got out of bed and threw shoes on.

  Then grabbed my car keys and was out of my hotel room and off to Seth's.


  Seth was still giving me the cold shoulder like he didn't realize I was standing there. But every once in a while he would glance over at me.

"Seth I need your help."

He didn't answer me but nod.

"Seth I'm serious be mature for just one second."
That got his attention and he listened.

"Mature? You are so the one to talk to me about being mature."

"I'm not lying!" He glared at me and I sighed. "It's Eli."

He then puts on a serious face. "What happened?"

"He is not himself. Charlotte was telling me-"

He gestured his hand to stop me, "Woah who's Charlotte?"

"My sister."

His eyes widened and his pupils became big and round. "So you have two sisters?"

I looked away from him. "Actually just one still. Charlotte Green. Who you know as, Alison Samuels."

"Why did she lie? Why change her name?"

"She said she didn't want to be found. Especially from our father who I killed because, she said she did find me. Two years ago she saw me in the window at dinner with father eating. She was tempting herself to go inside and she decided that she couldn't face me. She was scared I wouldn't accept her. I was mad and I still am mad at her for what she has done."

"I know you might not believe me when I say this but, I'm sorry."
I then decided to look at him and I saw the man I fell in love with. The man that was once my mate.

I caressed the part of my neck that had the scar of where he marked me at. It was still there.

A memory of my past. "Aron, does he seem different to you?"

He furrows his eyebrows at me. "What do you mean different?"

"He, I don't know seems like not himself."

"Have you talked?"

"...Sorta, kinda."

"What do you mean sorta kinda-?"
He then cut himself off and looked angry.

"Seth I need your help still please."

He began walking away, "I know Eli he is stronger than you think."

"But your the only person who can help, he won't even listen to his girlfriend! Please for me!"

He turns to face me. He scoffed and shook his head. "I love you, I will always- I just hate him Venus. I hate Aron."
He begins crying.

"But every time is try to hate him even more than now from taking you away from me...I could never. I can't."
I run up to him and pull him in for a hug.

"He is your brother Seth. He loves you, he just is mad. You have to learn to forgive him."

"I know. But I just can't."

He pulls away from me slowly and he pulls out of his fridge raw meat. "Hey you want some?"
He said wiping his face.

"Wow that's a joke right?"
I said laughing and making him smile. He came by my side chewing a chunk off what looked like deer.

I about wanted to throw up. Again.
I held my hand up to my mouth and looked away.

"Venus you ok?"
Lays his hand on my shoulder turning me around and once he did; I immediately threw up on his shoes.


Hey I want to thank probably my only reader, and good friend Kelly for being an amazing follower.

  I have to say that she has been nothing but an inspiration in my life as I gave up on friendship, but she changed my mind on what friends are really for. And what friendship is.


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