Chapter 33: Out of Control

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I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and dropped the mans body to the bathroom floor.

"That is what I am talking about."
I then picked the body up and laid him up against the wall.
Then left like nothing ever happened.

But not before lighting a match on his body and lighting him up in flames.

Before I knew it the fire alarm started to go off and students ran out of the class rooms as they seen the fire expand.
I smiled walking out slowly to the main exit and was happy to say this was indeed going to be a good day.

Students didn't listen to teachers when they said line up in the grass it will be alright. But I guess that just means they haven't found the teenagers body, which means they never will.

That also means I was not caught.

I just began walking the way home to my house as always until my shoulder was pulled back by someone's hand.

I turn to look at who it was and for a moment I wasn't sure, was this real?

I said snapping that grin off my face to a serious expression.

"We dont have much time."

"I thought you...I thought I lost you again." I hugged her so tight to where I didn't ever want to let her go. Not ever again.

"Just know that Venus is in danger as we know it. She is going to have to defeat the evil. She is our only hope."

"But why her?"

She was fading away from me and I pulled away to meet her blue eyes. "Just don't forget."

"Savanna? Savanna!?"

Then the next moments were all a blur to where I was face to face with Alison.

I flinched at the face change when I was just seeing Savanna.

"My names Alison you prick!"
She then walks off with tears in her eyes and I sighed.



I ran to Eli's house and before I knocked on his door he opened it up and I flinched.

"What do you want?"

"I-" then I stopped what I was about to say and sniffed out what smelled awfully familiar. I smelled blood.

Then that wasn't the only creepy wired part. I smelled it all over Eli.
I look at him and walk in uninvited bt holding his collar up by my two hands.

"Woah what the heck!"

"Why do I smell blood all over you?"

He grinned and chuckled.
"Long story ok, I didn't murder or torture anyone I just-"

"You just what?!"

"I'm a vampire."
I release my hold I had on him and started yelling.


"Ok Seth yelling never makes things any better."
He fixed his shirt and stood up straight.
"Plus why are you even here?"

"Better question, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Hm, that is better but a boring question. Next!"

"No I am tired of your games! You answer me right now or I will-!"

"Or what?"
He got up in my face and I did it right back.

"I am stronger than you Seth. So watch your back."

"Did you just threaten me?"

"Oh yeah."

"I wonder what Savanna would say to you if she was here right now." He then raised his fist in the air and punched me in the face.

My head moved back and then I punched him back.
"Don't dare speak of her! How could you!"

"Look I am sorry. But you should stop feeding on people because towns people are starting to notice, and pretty soon so is the pack. I may be alpha but if they find out then your toast because it is against the rules to feed on our territory."

"I know I was by your territory not exactly on it."

"Wrong. My father owns the whole land."
He looks up at me with widened eyes.

"Now I do. I'm warning as a friend, stay away and stay out of my way."
I said as I wiped my mouth that had blood coming down from my nose.

I left Eli there feeling like I shouldn't have but what was I supposed to do he is out of control.

What are we gonna do with him? Venus and my brother? I'm alone on this.

Hold on a second, I think I have an idea...

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Who else watches the show WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING? I stayed up til about 4 just watching it.

Love it!!!

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