Chapter 2: The dance

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I put on a tux, and saw my bestfriend holding hands with his girlfriend Savanna. They both were waiting in the kitchen.

"Hey dude let's go!"

I fixed my tie and and looked at myself one last time and left out the door. We all jumped in the back of a taxi and we're off to the high school.

"I have a bad feeling man. About tonight." I said.

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know something just doesn't feel right."
I saw the taxi stop at a red light for a few seconds and move again at the green.

"You can do this Seth."

"My father doesn't even know I am gone and he and I are having problems."

The only person who knows about my secret is my bestfriend Eli that I have known since I was a baby. Apparently my father knew his father before he died.

Eli never talks about it, for some reason it's a different excuse every single time.

I wish he would open up to me, like I opened up to him. I don't know if I'm allowed to tell him that.

"What kind of problems."

I glance over at Savanna and say "You know problems problems."

He nods at me like he knew what I was talking about and says back to me, "tell me when we get there."

"What? You said you were going to dance with me." I heard Savanna complain.

"Of course."

"Yeah that's what I thought."

I grinned. I always thought they both were so cute together that what they both had was love and I always wanted that. To feel that.

"I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks man."

~Venus ~

I could hear the sounds of glass breaking. My father was drunk again and he was worse when he drinks.


I heard his voice get louder and louder. I made sure I had my cell phone and wore my purple converse.
I was wearing a black lace dress with red flowers on it that were also lace.

I don't think these match. I thought to myself. So I grabbed a pair of my black converse and leaped over across the tree that was next to me and climbed down.

I ran away with my cell phone in my left hand and just letting my blonde hair flow down.

I ran into the cab I called a couple minutes ago across the street and was off to the stupid dance. I decided to only go because one, my dad and two, Seth might be there.


"We made it bro!" I felt him lay his hand on my shoulder and then see him run off. Holding hands with the second hottest girl at school.

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