Chapter 19: The transformation

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I will not leave Seth. The hell with them.
I run inside and down the stairs to the basement and ran to hold Seth.

"Venus." He mumbled and I heard him.
I held him in my arms as he suffered, I just couldn't imagine what he's going through.

"Yes I'm here."
I ran my hands through his hair slowly to calm him.

"I love you..."
Then that's when it happened. His heart stopped beating and I thought so did mine.

"Seth? SETH!!!"
I shake and shake him back and forth and Aron kneeled by my side to try and pull me away. "He's gone V. I'm sorry."

"You..YOU!" I jumped to my feet yelling in Aron's face. "I could have been here to get his mind off of the pain! I couod have had a few more minutes to talk to him!"

He didn't say a thing.

"You did this!"
My face was filled with tears and I couldn't think.

"I didn't mean to."

"Whatever.'' I kneel on my knees and cried my heart out in front of my boyfriends dead body.

But then...

His eyes flopped open.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed and screamed and I saw it happen, I saw it all.

His body changing into the shape form of a animal. It pained me and I felt everything.
"Ah!" I fell to the floor in pain.
I held my sides and Aron immediately was by my side.

He held me and looked worried.

"Its hurts Aron. I can feel it."
He then looked at me and then Seth.
"The bond. Look we will get through this ok?"
He held my hand and I squeezed it so hard I was surprised he didn't scream as well.

"Ahh!" He roared out and was in complete wolf form.
His eyes were the blood red, and his teeth couldn't be anymore viscous.

I then was helped up by Aron and then I tried my best to calm him.
"Seth. It's me Venus."


Aron takes my arm and started speed walking taking me with him.


"What?" I said.

So we did, and then he chased us.
I never thought I would ever be afraid of my one true love and yet here I am, running from him so he won't eat my head off.

I had Aron's hand still as we ran and he led me to his house. We slammed the door on Seth's face and heard a wimper.

Aron looks at me sadly and then locks the door. "Don't open windows, or dare go outside this house."
He said in a concerning tone not a rude way.

I nodded still in shock to talk


I sat down on her couch feeling awkward. "So tell me I'm crazy. Go on." I waited for her to respond but there was no words. Her mouth never moved.

I take the towel off of my wound and then patched myself up and still no words came out of her mouth. I began to feel like she was not able to handle this.

I get up and she walked back a few steps away from me. "What's the matter? I told you everything and this is what I get!"

"You expect me to stay with you?!"
She held her hands out towards me.

"Actually yes! I did because you love me and I love you. At least I thought you did."

She looked away from me and I grabbed both her wrist gently.
She squirmed around and started moving away.

"Get away!"

"I would never hurt you."
I said it while looking in her eyes.

"You should just forget about me."
I said while a tear fell from my eye.
She stared back and stood still.
"I will forget about you."

She said it like she was hypnotized. It then hit me, I could compel people. So then I knew I had to do this, I needed to.

This isn't her life she doesn't deserve to live like this. I look into her eyes and hold her face in my hands. "You will find what your looking for in life and achieve your goals. You will forget I am a vampire and move on."
I caress her cheek and feel as if I'm loosing the best parts of me, I guess I am.

"I will always love you and never forget you. I know you did love me Savanna; I will never forget that, or us."
I kiss the top of her forehead and pull away.
"Goodbye." Then I was gone and left her to live her life to the fullest, without me...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I was walking home and still I was hoping I would find Savanna on my door step. I then ran smack into someone or something.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my head back and forth. I look to see who it was and I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was in full form and I knew I was gonna die. But then his eyes started to glow a golden brown. It had a little red in the middle still but, that was a good sign.

"It's me Seth, your friend."
He huffed out and whimpers.
He then runs past me and I watch him as he runs away.

I pull my phone out and dial Venus's number. I held my phone up to my ear and she answers.

"Hello?" She sounded like she was out of breath.
"Venus? Whats wrong?"

"Seth! He just tried to kill us!"

I close my eyes and was just about to cry. How did my life become so complicated?

"Well I just saw him and he ran past me. He's still in there Venus, we just need to push through."

I then hung up and walked to my house.


"Well I just saw him and he ran past me. He's still in there Venus, we just need to push through."
I nod and hung up.

I wiped the tear that leaked down my cheek and stared at Aron. "Aron."
I said as I felt the need to go to Seth, I knew were he was.

"What is it Venus?"

"It's Seth. Follow me."
He did and I led him to my house. Seth was laying down on the porch naked and I ran up to him.

"Oh my gosh. Seth!"
I approach him and ask Aron to give me his jacket. He hands me it and I cover Seth up as I kneel in front of him with worry.

He meets my eyes and looked like he was having trouble breathing. "I'm scared Venus. What's happening to me?"

I hold him in my arms and he cries.
"Its gonna be OK."

Then the moon finally became full.
I then looked down at Seth and he pushed me away.


"The great Venus, are you supposed to kill me? Oh wait no, your the girlfriend thinking I'm gonna get through this right? Sorry to tell you this but Seth is gone."
He stood up and I looked at him confused.

"Let him go."
He smiled evily at me and then leaves.
Aron looks at me and I look away. His face was the look of no faith, no hope.
And I need hope.

I need faith...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What do you guys think is gonna happen next? Before you read the next chapter.


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