Chapter 32: Blood rage

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I walked to the bus stop and waited for hungover or high teenagers to walk over and wait with me.
But instead I see Alison walking over here with a huge smile on her face.

She finally approaches me and kisses me on the cheek. "Oh um hey," I said.

"You ok?"

"Yeah just um, just tired that's all," I lied.

Then a few moments later the bus arrived and we both sat next to each other with judgey eyes staring at us.
I sat near the window as she sat on the edge.

"What's the matter?"

"I- well we should talk right?"
She smiled and rolled her eyes.
"It is fine you and I are good."

"No I mean, what is this? What are we doing?" I stared at her with a serious tone.

She seemed to not know herself but still took it the wrong way.
"Excuse me?"

"What are we dating, just kissing, having a relationship? Where is this going?!"
I said in a bit louder volume.


''Yes honestly!"

"I don't know!"
She said raising her voice back at me.

"I don't know," she repeated in a softer tone.

"That is exactly what I mean. I just need some time anyways to forget about Savanna."

"Then you shouldn't have kissed me!" she began to start crying.

"I didn't know what I was doing I just was grieving over her!"

"You should have thought about that before you put your lips where they don't belong."
She then picked her bag up and stood up in the aile. "I think I would sit somewhere else." Then she moved up in the front of the bus glaring back at me.

I sighed out with frustration.

This is gonna be a long day.

"Eli help!"

"Savanna?" I snapped out of it and thought what I heard was like...she was in my head.

Wherever Savanna is it is some place dark. Very dark.

By the time we stopped at school I ran into one of the bathroom stalls and unzipped my book bag.

I took out a blood bag and started to drink one by one by one. I had brought at least 10.

I then heard a man come in and I forgot to lock the stall door. "Hey dude what are you doing?!" He said as he opened my stall up and his eyes widened in fear.

He saw the blood dripping from my teeth. I then couldn't help but rip into his skin as well and end his life.

Because this was the life I want and blood is what makes me feel like I have something to live for. Or, just power.


I wake up with the most annoying headache. I then find Aron awake in the next room standing there in front of the fridge looking at me and him when we were little.

He must of heard me because he turned and looked over at me quickly.
I then put my hands up in surrender.

"I just want to talk."

"Who are you? What evil has come to this home?"
He walked over to me and with no force her lifted me up by one hand holding my throat.

"I-" I couldn't make out words as I struggled for air to breathe. "What am I doing here?!"

He saw my struggle and released his hold he had on me so I can speak.
"Your my brother."
I then coughed on trying to catch my breath.

"Your lying! You are nothing but a stranger."

"Am I?!"
We both exchanged glances and he finally ran off flying through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and I knew this was gonna be tough but, I didn't know this tough.

"No!" I punch the wall next to me and ran my hands roughly through my hair.

"Ok ok let me think" I said to myself.

I have to have some sort of back up and Eli is just the man I am looking for. It it ever came down to me and my brother fist to fist then I wouldn't be able to handle him alone.

I need help and I am scared.

Scared of loosing the only relative I have left, the only person who cared about me. Maybe be still does who the heck knows!? But all I know is that this is my one shot at surviving.

There is a 75 percent chance that he will say no, and a 48 percent he will say yes. It was official, I'm totally screwed.


I know I have a lot of error's and I
Will fix that after I'm done with this note. Please tell me your thoughts.


Your author, Delena_12

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